Popularly known as a delicacy of the affluent, caviar does not only provide you a culinary experience but also widely known for offering numerous health benefits. For the unversed, caviar is unfertilized eggs of particular fishes including starlet, osetra, beluga, kaluga, sevruga, and hackleback. Caviar has an impressive nutritional profile and that’s what makes it one of the healthiest foods to have. Therefore, those who can afford this luxury food should not overlook its myriads of benefits. Let’s find out how this expensive seafood delicacy keeps you fit and fine.
May Improve Brain Function
Caviar is a great source of fatty acids called DHA and EPZ. The former maintains your brain structure and the latter improves mood disorders, says a research published in the journal Advances in Nutrition. That is how caviar promotes your mental well-being. One of the most prevalent factors that aid in mental health decline is inflammation in the brain. And, caviar’s omega-3 fatty acids content fight against this inflammation.
Promotes Heart Health
Intake of caviar can reduce your heart rate and also lower blood pressure. Thanks to its omega-3 fatty acids content. This seafood also lowers the levels of triglyceride in your blood and increases the levels of good cholesterol. Those who are at a high risk of developing blood clots should have caviar as it reduces such risk.
Good For Male Fertility
Are not able to become a father because of low sperm quality? If yes, you need a high dose of omega-3 fatty acids. You can get that by adding caviar to your diet. Having this seafood can improve your sperm structure, fluidity, and shape. This will further help in easy sperm binding to eggs and that can increase fertility.
Boosts Your Immunity
Apart from omega-3 fatty acids, caviar contains selenium that supports the immune system. Both the nutrients help repair damaged white blood cells that protect from diseases.
Can Reduce Ageing Signs
DHA present in caviar extract is known to stimulate fat cells to produce adiponectin, which is a molecule that prevents the breakdown of collagen fibers. It also promotes the synthesis of collagen and improves your skin’s anti-inflammatory processes. This can reduce wrinkles and other signs of ageing.