Come Over For A Cup Of Toadstool Tea And Reap These 5 Health Benefits

Toadstool tea seems to be a strange idea at first. But don’t that first impression let you miss out on this delicious tea that is full of nutrients. Also known as Chaga tea, the concoction is brewed by infusing Chaga mushrooms in the process of making an earthy tea. With several studies in place, one conducted by World Journal of Gastroenterology found that this edible mushroom tea can be a prospective treatment for cancerous cells, particularly helpful in treatment of liver cancer.  

Let’s not stop at one because there are umpteen benefits which you are yet to discover.  

  • Good for immunity  

Toadstool tea is considered to have several antioxidants. These help to build up immunity against various types of diseases. Moreover, with a high ORAC score, it ensures a lesser amount of free radical  activity in your body which prevents risk of cancer.  

  • Restricts Inflammatory reactions  

Chaga mushrooms have anti-inflammatory properties which can drastically reduce the intensity of the chemical releases by suppressing the response. This can have a major role to play in minimizing the risk of heart-related diseases.  

  • Reduces oxidative stress 

Oftentimes, our cardiovascular health gets affected due to the oxidative stress that our body undergoes. Chaga mushrooms have the ability to lower your blood pressure and keep it in check with the help of plenty of antioxidants present in it.  

  • Minimizes fatigue and energizes  

After a workout, you may feel pretty tired. This could also happen during the workout session. And if this takes place very frequently, you ought to do something about building your stamina and endurance. A cup of toadstool tea is what you need. Apart from keeping your energy levels high, it can reduce the after-workout soreness too.  

  • Tackles the virus  

It has great anti-viral qualities which have known to combat viruses like Hepatitis C and HIV type 1 in the past.  

After green tea, chamomile tea, ginger tea and some more, we’ve finally found a tasty mushroom tea that you can add to your fitness regime.