Japanese and Chinese meals are undoubtedly elaborate and fulfilling but they are not complete until you have a cup of tea. If you have ever been to an authentic Asian restaurant, they would have served you tea at the end that must have made you feel relaxed, calmed your nerves, and uplifted your mood.
Have you wondered why tea takes centre stage in both these cultures? The reasons vary a bit in both countries but the gist remains the same. From cultural significance to symbolising hospitality, once you understand why Japanese and Chinese enjoy the beverage after every meal, you will follow in their footsteps too.
Warmth And Comfort
In Japan, tea symbolises harmony. It is considered a satisfying end to a meal. However, in China, tea is associated with warm energy that can be helpful for your body. Since both countries indulge in variations of green and floral tea, the beverages are prepared without milk. Hence, drinking them is like consuming hot water that promises to uplift your mood.
Palate Cleansing
Imagine indulging in an elaborate meal- while Chinese food is packed with flavourful sauces, Japanese dishes have ingredients shining across. Having tea at the end of a meal acts as a palate cleanser. It neutralises the lingering taste and also helps you overcome food breath. If you drink chamomile or jasmine tea, you will remember how these drinks help with oral hygiene.
Part Of Traditional Medicine
In Japan, tea is associated with Zen philosophy. It promotes mindfulness, emphasises balance, and symbolises simplicity. However, in traditional Chinese medicine, the beverage is a part of the Yin and Yang theory where it promotes digestion and balances energies in the body. Green tea is associated with calmness and overall well-being.
Aiding In Digestion
In Japanese culture, green tea varieties like hojicha or sencha are associated with improving digestion. While its taste is slightly bitter, it refreshes the senses and uplifts the mood. In China, hot beverage is considered a tool to break down fats and enhance metabolism. People often like to indulge in jasmine or chrysanthemum flavours. They have a calming effect on the stomach and help you digest the food without health ailments.
Health Benefits
Japanese and Chinese believe that drinking tea after meals can benefit their health immensely. First and foremost, it would improve hydration in the body. It is necessary if you have consumed oily or salty foods. Green tea varieties are rich in antioxidants that can help your body fight oxidative stress and improve your overall well-being. Chinese also believe that drinking tea after a meal can help you detoxify and balance energy.
Irrespective of what you believe, green and herbal tea have proven benefits for your health. Even Ayurveda has mentioned these hot beverages and how they help a person build immunity and fight infections. If nothing convinces you, consider it a good practice to drink a warm beverage after your meal. Once you start indulging in it, there is no going back.