Ahead of the World Coffee Day, we sat down to ponder that the best thing about coffee is that there is no specific recipe of brewing it, whether hot or cold, bitter or sweet, viscous or sloppy. A luscious cup of coffee is not just a beverage, it is a conversation starter, it fuels energy into the most slothful people, keeps students awake while studying for exams, fixes bad mood and infuses novel ideas upon a sip.
If you are a coffee connoisseur like us, we're sure you would love to try unique recipes of brewing coffee at home to flaunt your barista skills. Why buy a fancy coffee from the café when you can treat your friends and colleagues to homemade Mint & Vanilla Coldbrew, Orange Iced Coffee or Dolce Chocolate Latte?
Check out their recipes below and thank us later:
1. Mint & Vanilla Coldbrew
Coldbrew can be offered to guests in any season and best is you can be creative to make this caffeinated beverage with simple ingredients, more healthy and refreshing.

150ml Coldbrew (Any medium or light roast coffee)
2-4 Mint leafs
30ml Vanillla Syrup
6-8 Ice cubes
Place mint leafs in the bottom of a glass and muddle mint with a muddler. Add Vanilla Syrup but if you don't have vanilla syrup, you can use 20gm of brown (raw) sugar and mix it well.
Add all the ice cubes into glass and pour coldbrew over it. Your refreshing café style coldbrew is ready. Stir it well before you serve to the guests.
2. Orange Iced Coffee
Sweet and tangy flavoured coffees have always been our favourite. The tartness of the orange and subtle sweetness of sugar definitely adds a nice tang to what is originally dubbed with freshly brewed medium roast coffee.

150ml Brewed coffee (French press/Chemex)
One medium size orange
20ml Sugar syrup
6-8 Ice cubes
Brew your coffee, strain it and cool it down. Make a juice of half orange and pour it into a glass. Fill glass with ice cubes and pour brewed coffee over it.
Add sugar syrup and ask the guests to stir it up before they sip it. You might have seen this as a trend of lemonade iced coffee but this is with more Indian twist as we want our coffee sweeter.
3. Dolce Chocolate Latte
Delicious, easy, café style latte recipe with lots of chocolate and cream is surely a perfect after-food beverage!