The Elixir of Life: Ginger Shots
Image Credit: (Photo Credit: Pixabay)

Ginger shots are intensely flavoured ginger juice concentrates. These shots have become a staple at juice bars and grocery stores because of ginger’s nutritional goodness. Ginger itself offers so many health benefits that you may only wonder about an array of benefits this juice has to offer. Ginger shots have been around for a while now, but with health consciousness at an all-time rise, ginger juice is peaking in all of its glory. Here are some of its benefits and Slurrp recommendations as to how to prepare them. 



Packed With Anti-inflammatory And Antioxidant Properties  


Ginger shots are full of robust anti-inflammatory substances which are known to reduce your risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory gut disease, asthma, and certain cancers. Ginger’s antioxidant properties make its juice a perfect addition to your everyday diet. 


Controls Nausea And Weight Gain  


Ginger is commonly used to take care of gut problems and keep nausea in check. There have also been claims that ginger juice facilitates weight loss.  


Improves Immunity 


One of the many reasons, the ginger shot has become so popular in the past year is the juice’s ability to boost immunity. Oftentimes, ginger juice is enjoyed with lemon and honey which further ups the nutritional value of the beverage.  



How to make Ginger Shots at Home? 


You’ll need 


1/4 cup of ginger root peeled and chopped 

1/3 cup of lemon juice 

1/4 cup of coconut water  

A pinch of cayenne or any chilli powder 

Honey according to taste  




Blend the ginger and lemon juice in coconut water in a high-powered blender until smooth.

Strain the mixture into a glass and add the fix-ins that is cayenne and honey.  



Pro-Tip: The shot will burn in your throat as you drink it, so take a deep breath and gulp it down. The advantages are worth the inconvenience.