Palak Soup For Dinner: Why Include Spinach Soup To Your Diet?
Image Credit: Palak Soup is healthy and comforting | Freepik

If you grew up in the 90s or are part of the millennial generation, you probably recall Popeye the Sailorman encouraging us to consume our spinach, don't you? This cherished cartoon character often served as the motivation our parents relied on to get us to eat those nutritious leafy greens. Some of us ate spinach willingly too, in the hopes of becoming as strong as Popeye, while others might have started an eternal hate-hate relationship with it. If you belong to the former category, we have a wonderful spinach soup recipe that you would really enjoy, and for those who fall into the latter category, let us tell you why you need to immediately mend your relationship with spinach and add it to your diet.

Recipe - Iam a Big Foodie

Benefits of Eating Spinach


According to a report in The Pharma Journal, the flavonoids in spinach make it a great anti-inflammatory ingredient. The antioxidants in spinach help you fight both inflammatory and cardio-vascular diseases. In a 2016 study published by Food & Function, it is mentioned that food can reduce oxidative stress and help improve metabolism.


A bowl of spinach is healthy, and that is because it is full of several nutrients that are very important for our bodily functions. It has potassium, which helps lower blood pressure. Spinach is also a great source of folate and magnesium, both of which help do the same. According to the Neurology Journal, the high levels of lutein and beta-carotene in spinach also make it great for your brain health.

Weight- Management

We have all been told that spinach is healthy, and eating it helps you lose weight. But how healthy? Well, according to the records of the US Department of Agriculture, 100 g of spinach has only 0.39g of fat, while 91.4% of it is water! It has dietary fibre amounting to 2.2g and several minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium, and phosphorus. All of this makes spinach a great food to include in your weight-loss diet.


While Popeye told us how spinach helped him become strong, it actually helps improve your eyesight too! Vitamin A in spinach helps maintain the mucus membranes, while lutein helps prevent cataracts and age-related damage. So, a bowl of spinach can go a long way in helping you have good eyesight in the long run.

Why Choose Palak Soup?

While we have had a look at the overall benefits that spinach provides, there are several dishes that you could make from this leafy green. From palak paneer to spinach omelettes, a variety of spinach dishes are waiting for you to be explored. Why spinach soup, then? Let us look at specific reasons for you to choose palak soup.

Super Healthy: A bowl of simple, comforting palak soup is healthy. According to the US Department of Agriculture, 100 g of spinach has a mere 23 calories, which means you can sip on your bowl of soup guilt-free. 

Easy To Make: This soup is a one-pot dish that is as easy to make as it is quick. With very few ingredients that are easily available in your kitchen and a whole lot of health benefits, why not opt for this dish?

Soup For All Seasons: We know soups are seen as a winter or autumn delicacy, but a light spinach soup is also very pleasant when you do not want to have something heavy in the summer season. A simple dish that will go a long way, spinach soup is just the correct option for everyone!

Palak Soup Recipe

So, now that we have laid out our reasons for you to add spinach to your diet, here is a palak soup recipe that you should start your healthy journey with.


  • 200 g spinach, chopped roughly
  • 2 cups of vegetable broth
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic
  • 1 tablespoon of butter
  • 1 diced carrot
  • 1/2 cup of peas
  • 1 egg (optional)
  • 2 teaspoons of black pepper powder
  • Salt as per taste 


  • In a pan, heat up the butter and add chopped garlic. Cook them till they turn golden.
  • Next, add the peas and carrots along with salt to break them down, and cook for another 8–10 minutes.
  • After the carrots are soft, add the chopped spinach. It will take the spinach 2-3 minutes to soften.
  • Add the vegetable broth. Add pepper and adjust the salt.
  • Let the soup simmer for 10 minutes. Optionally, you can add an egg to the soup for extra protein.
  • After the soup comes to a boil, remove it from the heat. Serve hot and enjoy.