Netizens Not Impressed With Viral Biryani-Flavoured Ice Cream

Unusual ice cream flavours are no strangers to food enthusiasts following social media trends. Numerous viral videos showcase a mix of intriguing or less appetizing ice cream creations from around the world. But have you come across the viral ice cream that's biryani ice cream? A recent Instagram reel captures someone tasting this unique flavour alongside others. In the now-popular video shared by Akash Mehta, he marks off flavours he’s eager to try from the menu, choosing options like ketchup, chips, biryani, olive oil, and chai.

His reaction after tasting the ketchup-flavoured ice cream is mixed, as he confesses he’s uncertain about how he feels. Then, he picks up the cup with the biryani-infused ice cream to give it a try.  "It shouldn't be a thing. But I feel like this is going to really hit," he says. He eventually adds, "It's worth trying but maybe not worth finishing." 

"As a biryani snob, I strongly condemn this abomination," a netizen wrote. "I couldn't do this! Biryani ice cream I can't," wrote another foodie. 

"Yo, whoever suggested biryani as ice cream should be sent to prison," quipped another netizen. 

"Yo, whoever suggested biryani as ice cream should be sent to prison," quipped another netizen.