Matzah Ball Soup: A Traditional Jewish Soup With Chicken Broth

Matzah Ball Soup, a cherished dish in Jewish culinary heritage, boasts a rich history dating back to Eastern European traditions. Originating as a humble peasant food, it evolved into a culinary icon, symbolising comfort and connection. The soup's foundations lie in matzah, unleavened bread with deep Passover symbolism, embodying the Jews' Exodus from Egypt.

Matzah balls, made from matzah meal, float tenderly in a flavourful broth, epitomising the intertwining of sustenance and tradition. Matzah meal is made from matzo bread, and this beloved dish embodies the warmth of family gatherings, the passage of generations, and the resilience of Jewish identity. Matzah Ball Soup remains a timeless link to the past, continuing to delight palates and nourish souls with its profound cultural significance.

Matzah Ball Soup holds a pivotal role in Jewish holidays and gatherings, transcending mere sustenance to become a vessel of tradition and symbolism. During Passover, the unleavened matzah balls mirror the haste of the Israelites' escape from Egypt, serving as a reminder of freedom's pursuit. The soup's warmth fosters a sense of togetherness during Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, symbolising renewal and reflection.

In its aromatic embrace, families find comfort on cold Hanukkah evenings. Beyond religious observances, Matzah Ball Soup embodies the resilience of Jewish culture, with each spoonful narrating tales of survival and perseverance. It is more than a culinary delight; it's a testament to the enduring connections between generations, woven seamlessly into the fabric of Jewish heritage and memory.

Matzah Ball Varieties

1. Classic Matzah Balls: Traditional and beloved, these matzah balls are light and fluffy, crafted from matzah meal, eggs, and schmaltz (chicken fat). They float delicately in the broth, capturing the essence of timeless comfort.

2. Dense Matzah Balls: A heartier take, these matzah balls are denser due to reduced liquid and more matzah meal. Perfect for those who enjoy a more substantial texture.

3. Spinach Matzah Balls: Infused with vibrant spinach, these matzah balls add a touch of colour and earthiness to the dish, offering a modern twist on tradition.

4. Gluten-Free Matzah Balls: Catering to dietary needs, these matzah balls use gluten-free matzah meals or alternative flours, ensuring everyone can savour this iconic soup.

5. Herb-Infused Matzah Balls: Fragrant herbs like dill or parsley are incorporated, enhancing the flavour profile and adding a refreshing herbal note to each bite.

6. Sweet Matzah Balls: A unique variation, sweet matzah balls may include ingredients like honey or cinnamon, offering a delightful contrast to the savoury broth.

7. Matzah Ball Soup with Noodles: Blending traditions, this version combines matzah balls with egg noodles, creating a harmonious marriage of textures in a single bowl.

8. Spicy Matzah Balls: For an adventurous twist, these matzah balls are infused with spices like chilli or cayenne, adding a kick of heat to the familiar warmth of the soup.

9. Vegan Matzah Balls: Crafted without animal products, these matzah balls use plant-based ingredients like tofu or chickpea flour, showcasing the versatility of this dish.

10. Matzah Ball Dumplings: Evoking Eastern European influences, these matzah balls are transformed into larger, dumpling-like creations, offering a heartier bite and a touch of nostalgia.

Matzah Ball Soup, a cherished heirloom of Jewish heritage, finds its origins in humble Eastern European beginnings. Evolving into a culinary emblem of comfort, it reflects the intertwining of tradition and nourishment. Rooted in Passover symbolism, matzah balls delicately waltz in a flavourful broth, narrating the story of the Jews' Exodus.

Beyond sustenance, this dish celebrates family bonds, resilience, and a vibrant tapestry of cultural events. As matzah balls continue to buoyantly float in each bowl, they embody the timeless thread that weaves Jewish history, culture, and culinary artistry together.

Recipe For Matzah Balls


1 cup matzah meal

4 large eggs

1/4 cup chicken broth or water

2 tablespoons Schmaltz (rendered chicken fat) or vegetable oil

1 teaspoon of salt

1/4 teaspoon black pepper

1/4 teaspoon garlic powder (optional)

Chopped fresh parsley or dill for garnish (optional)


Prepare the Mixture:

In a mixing bowl, whisk the eggs until well beaten.

Add schmaltz or vegetable oil, chicken broth or water, salt, pepper, and garlic powder (if using). Mix thoroughly.

Add Matzah Meal:

Gradually incorporate the matzah meal into the egg mixture. Stir until you achieve a uniform and slightly sticky batter.

Chill the Mixture:

Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes. Chilling helps the matzah meal absorb the liquids and makes the mixture easier to handle.

Shape the Matzah Balls:

After chilling, the mixture should be firm enough to shape into balls. Moisten your hands with cold water to prevent sticking, then form small balls (about 1 inch in diameter) and place them on a plate.

Cooking Options:

There are two main methods for cooking matzah balls: boiling and baking.

Boiling Method:

Bring a large pot of salted water to a gentle boil.

Carefully drop the matzah balls into the boiling water.

Reduce the heat to a simmer, cover the pot, and cook for about 30–40 minutes. The matzah balls will float to the surface when they're done.

Remove the matzah balls with a slotted spoon and place them in the soup or on a separate plate.

Baking Method:

Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C).

Grease a baking dish with a bit of schmaltz or vegetable oil.

Place the matzah balls in the greased dish and brush the tops with a bit more fat.

Bake for about 30–40 minutes, or until the matzah balls are golden brown and cooked through.


Add the matzah balls to a pot of hot chicken soup or any broth of your choice.

Garnish with chopped parsley or dill, if desired.

Enjoy your homemade Matzah Ball Soup, a delicious and comforting dish steeped in tradition!

Note: Feel free to adjust the seasoning and ingredients according to your taste and dietary preferences.