How Madhya Pradesh Tribes Craft Alcohol
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Madhya Pradesh is known for various things, from the rich history of the Mughals to the delicious delicacies. The tribal communities of MP are very innovative and utilize the available ingredients to make food and drinks. Rashmi Mehta, SHO Tribal Department, Satpura, MP, says, “These drinks crafted from locally sourced ingredients such as grains, fruits and flowers, are more than just refreshments. They are part of their social and ritualistic life.” 

Each has its taste, the deep connection between the people and the nature. From the sweet earthy notes of Mahua, which is intoxicating and medicinal to the refreshing toddy from palm trees, these are celebrated during festivals, community get-togethers and religious ceremonies. The preparation of these is steeped in tradition, often with songs, dances and collective participation, it’s a part of tribal identity.

As you explore the various alcohols of Madhya Pradesh’s tribes you will find not just unique flavours but a cultural heritage that has been preserved and passed on for generations.

Mahua (Madhuca longifolia) Liquor

Mahua is the most popular traditional drink among the tribes of Madhya Pradesh. The flowers of the Mahua tree are fermented to make a strong drink which is consumed during festivals, social functions and rituals. Mahua has a sweet and earthy taste and is deeply rooted in the culture of these tribes. It is not only enjoyed for its effects but is also considered to have medicinal properties to cure cold and digestive problems.

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Handia is a rice-based liquor which is popular among Gond, Kol and Bharia tribes. It is made by fermenting boiled rice with a mixture of herbs called “ranu” or “bakhar” which helps in fermentation. The drink is mildly intoxicating and has a sour taste. Handia is consumed during festivals, marriages and other social functions. It is also offered to guests as a mark of hospitality.

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Sulfi is a traditional drink made from the sap of sulfi palm tree (Phoenix sylvestris). The sap is collected in the morning and left to ferment naturally, and by evening, it becomes an alcoholic drink. The drink is slightly sweet and mildly intoxicating. Sulfi is consumed by Bhil, Gond and Korku tribes, especially during the summer months as it is believed to have cooling properties. The collection and preparation of Sulfi are accompanied by traditional songs and dances.

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Chhind (Toddy)

Chhind, also known as toddy, is another palm-based liquor made from the sap of date palm or coconut palm. The tribes of Madhya Pradesh, especially Bhil, Gond, Korku and Kol tap the sap from these trees, which is then fermented to make an alcoholic drink. Toddy is consumed fresh, usually within a day of fermentation and has a sweet and refreshing taste. It is a summer drink and is also used in traditional ceremonies and rituals.

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Tadi is a fermented drink made from the sap of Palmyra palm or date palm. It is similar to toddy but slightly stronger in alcohol content. Sahariya, Gond and Korku tribes enjoy this drink, especially during community gatherings and festivals. Tadi has a tangy and sweet taste and is consumed in an early stage of fermentation when it is mildly intoxicating.

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Ranu (Herbal Beer)

Ranu is a traditional herbal beer made by fermenting a mixture of grains, usually rice or millet with a special blend of herbs. Gond, Kol and Bharia tribes prepare this drink for social and religious occasions. Ranu is mildly intoxicating and has a unique taste which is influenced by the local herbs used in its preparation. It is a communal drink and is shared among family and friends.

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Bamboo Wine

Bamboo wine is a traditional liquor made from the fermented sap of young bamboo shoots. Gond, Bharia and Korku tribes of Madhya Pradesh make this. Bamboo wine is slightly sweet and tangy and is considered a delicacy. It is consumed during special occasions and is believed to have medicinal properties like digestion and immunity boosters.

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Every tribe has its way of preparing these drinks, and it also represents the traditional values of these tribes. These are not just drinks; they are the heritage of Madhya Pradesh’s tribes. Consumed during festivals and sometimes during an occasion. Preparation and consumption are a connection to nature, community and ancestors.