6 Tempting Yoghurt-Based Recipes You Should Try This Summer
Image Credit: Cucumber Raita | freepik

Yoghurt is your best kitchen ally during the summer. The scorching heat, when paired with this relieving delight, creates one of the best experiences. 

Not only does yoghurt provide refreshing relief from the heat, but it is also a great remedy for various seasonal ailments like indigestion, bloating, and skin issues. It can even help tackle hormonal changes.

Yoghurt contains several active enzymes and probiotics that improve gut health and contribute to its delicious savoury taste. 

Combined with salads or side dishes, yoghurt breathes new life into the party menu. There are many ways to savour yoghurt. Whether you enjoy it sweet or savoury, it becomes a terrific combination with many ingredients. Discover what you can make with yoghurt to enjoy the season to its fullest.

Yoghurt Trifle

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Yoghurt trifle features layers of creamy yoghurt with sweet fruits and soft cake. This amazing concoction gives a burst of flavours in every spoonful. The flavours and textures combined with the refreshment of fruits and yoghurt brings joy to summer.

Fruit Curd

Fruit curd delights the taste buds with its velvety smoothness in every bite complemented with the zesty and fruity flavours. Add your favourite fruits and herbs to make it your way. You can use both sweet and sour yoghurt as per your preference.

Yoghurt Parfait

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Unlike trifle which uses cake for layering, parfait goes with crunchy granola which offers a more structured texture with crunchiness. Yoghurt parfait with fruits and granola provides a balanced blend of creamy yoghurt, fresh fruits bursting with sweetness, and the satisfying crunch of granola. 

Vanilla Yoghurt

What's better than creamy savoury yoghurt? That's right! Yoghurt with the flavours of indulging vanilla. After having your yoghurt with vanilla essence and some dry fruits, you’ll forget the flavours of ice cream forever and always want to have it when the heat reaches its zenith.

Yoghurt Pudding

Perfect for summer brunch parties, yoghurt pudding is loved by people of all ages. Breadcrumbs, iced cane sugar, and cinnamon create the foundation while a delicious mix of hung yoghurt, honey, rose water, strawberries, grapes, pistachios and pomegranate tops it.

Cucumber Raita

Image Credit: Freepik

Indian cuisine has a special place for yoghurt. Among all the recipes, a refreshing yoghurt raita combined with cucumber and mild species is a go-to side dish to make any meal a burst of joy. It is mostly served with biryani, kebab, naan and main dishes, and can elevate your menu to new heights.

This summer, enjoy the flavours of yoghourt to its fullest and indulge in these mesmerising recipes. Whether you're hosting a brunch or potluck, these recipes are a must-have addition to the menu.