We all know that walnuts are among the healthiest foods available. It has earned the title "superfood" for the variety of health advantages it provides in a nutshell. Walnuts are good for heart health since they are a rich source of unsaturated fats. They are a great source of antioxidants that can help your body battle oxidative damage, including the damage done by the "bad" LDL cholesterol that promotes atherosclerosis. With a significantly high amount of DHA, an Omega-3 fatty acid, they enhance brain health. DHA is one of the nutrients that safeguard the development of the brain in infants, enhance cognitive function in adults, and lessen the effects of ageing on the brain. Walnuts are not only beneficial for our gut or cognitive health but also promote glowing and healthy skin because they are rich in vitamin E and Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids.
Purifies Blood
Walnuts are rich in antioxidants, which aid in flushing out the body's toxins and help in neutralizing free radicals in the body. This in turn breaks a chain reaction that might have an impact on other cellular molecules. When the blood contains toxins, it becomes thicker, which causes pimples and acne. Walnuts help in flushing out those toxins, thereby purifying the blood and preventing any other skin breakouts.
Promotes Glowy Skin
Walnuts are high in vitamin E and vitamin B5, which help to tighten pores and brighten the skin. The vitamin B5 content in walnuts helps to lighten and remove tans and dark spots while enhancing skin tone and radiance. Vitamin E helps repair the skin and keeps it soft and healthy.
walnuts/ unsplash.com
Vitamins B5 and E and other moisturising compounds, including fatty acids, are abundant in walnuts. These nutrients nourish our skin from the inside out and keep it soft. Vitamins B5 and E keep your skin well hydrated. Walnut oil is also known for improving blood circulation, which keeps the skin supple and glowing.
Reduces wrinkles and premature signs of ageing
Antioxidants and vitamins abundant in walnuts are known to protect the skin against deterioration brought on by environmental causes such as heat and pollution. Antioxidants aid in skin detoxification and lock in moisture, further reducing the ageing process. Also, it helps in avoiding skin problems, including early wrinkles and fine lines, by improving blood circulation.
A lot of beauty brands make walnut scrubs because these are very good scrubbing agents because of their texture, vitamin content, and antioxidant properties. You can also make a walnut scrub at home by grinding a few walnuts in a mixer grinder and mixing them with curd. Walnuts help in removing excess oil, dead skin cells, dirt, and grime.