5 benefits of eating a colour-coded diet

Colour is nature’s visual cue to humans about foods that are full of nutrition and detoxifying agents. Just by picking colourful fruits and vegetables in your meal, you can increase your intake of important nutrients. In Ayurveda, the practice preaches balancing the 7 chakras in our body through eating the right food, and eating colour-coded food is a central part of that.

Health Shots got in touch with Radhika Iyer, an Ayurveda expert and Yogini, who listed outstanding benefits of eating a colourful diet.

Iyer says, “The colour-filled plants have prana, our life force and necessary energy to remain healthy. Now, there is a reason fruits and vegetables have different, vibrant colours. They contain phytonutrients, which give them their colour, taste and aroma. These phytonutrients strengthen the plant’s immune system too, protecting from their environment and potential diseases. For humans, phytonutrients protect us from chronic diseases such as cancer, heart diseases, vision loss and so on.”

Listed below are the different benefits of each colour in a colourful diet:

1. Red

Red plants are amazing for the health of your heart and lungs. Protecting you against gene-damaging free radicals, red plants protect the prostate area as well. They are packed with phytochemicals such as lycopene and anthocyanin. Red plants also help the circulatory system.

2. Green

Iyer shares, “Green plants are filled with iron, vitamins. These foods are rich in cancer-blocking chemicals. They are ideal to regulate heart health and balance out the body’s hormones. They also have important antioxidant groups such as catechin.

Ayurveda links green to the heart chakra and eating a colourful diet with green fruits and vegetables allows us to transform our physical energy into a super-conscious form.

3. Blue and Purple

Plants of this colour are the most densely-packed with nutrients, and sadly people consume them less! They get their bright colour from anthocyanin and are linked to healthy eyes and increased immunity. These colours are also related to the throat chakra and the third eye chakra.

4. Orange and Yellow

Colourful diet with orange and yellow hue are wonderful for anti-inflammation. These coloured plants have curcuminoids and beta-cartone. Plants such as the mighty turmeric get their anti-inflammation properties from these cucuminoids. Beta-carotene is essential for healthy hair, skin and muscles. “According to Ayurvedic sciences, eating fruits and vegetables of this colour nourishes creativity, identity and sensuality,” adds Iyer.

5. White and Brown

These coloured plants have allicin, which contains anti-tumour properties. These foods can lower cholesterol levels and lower high blood pressure as well. These plants also have a great immune boosting effect.

Consider this as a sign to start incorporating colour in your diet during different times of the day. Colour code different food for breakfast, lunch, dinner and it will make you consume each colour easily. Don’t take off the peel of apples and carrots, as they carry essential nutrients too.