The Purple Diet: 5 Antioxidant-Rich Foods For Healthy Skin
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Including naturally purple foods in your diet can have a lot of advantages, especially for your skin in a world where health and beauty go hand in hand. These colourful foods are certainly a treat to the eyes being high in antioxidants and polyphenols.

According to a 2019 review in the 'Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, Purple foods have the potential to reduce the risk of skin cancer by preventing UV-induced photodamage and fighting inflammation. These foods—from the robust beetroot to the juicy grapes—have such properties which support healthy skin. 

It's time to look into specifics of how these five naturally purple foods can keep your skin glowing all year long.

5 Purple Foods You Should Include In Your Diet For Glowing Skin

1. Beetroot

Along with being gorgeous to look at, beetroot has numerous skin benefits to count on. Inflammation can decrease with its consumption, as beetroot promotes blood flow—both essential for that glowing appearance. Beetroot is a powerful tool in the fight against chronic inflammation, which is a major contributing factor to skin conditions due to its capacity to shield cells from oxidative stress.

2. Passion fruit

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One characteristic that sets passion fruit apart is the amount of piceatannol, an antioxidant polyphenol that provides targeted defence against UV rays. This exotic fruit promises to protect your skin cells from the damaging effects of UV exposure while also enhancing the general health and vitality of your skin.

3. Raisins and grapes

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Both raisins and grapes are excellent sources of antioxidants for the skin. Consuming freeze-dried grape powder significantly increased the skin's natural defences against UV radiation, according to a University of Alabama study. This suggests that raisins and grapes are effective allies in preserving the resilience of skin against sun damage and overall health.

4. Vibrant Purple Cabbage

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Never forget how powerful a simple purple cabbage can be. This cruciferous vegetable reduces inflammation, and it has been used in traditional medicine to treat skin inflammations. It has been shown to work in clinical studies, especially in reducing pain and inflammation in conditions like arthritis. This indirectly improves skin health by reducing inflammation throughout the body.

5. Eggplant

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Eggplant, also known as aubergine, is a powerful food that can prevent skin cancer. It provides a promising method of treating skin cancer because it contains substances called solasodine rhamnosyl glycosides (SRGs). Its high concentration of vitamins A and C also promotes the health and radiance of the skin from within.

Accepting the power of purple in your diet guarantees that your skin stays healthy and glowing all year long while adding a dash of colour to your meals. These five purple foods are vital parts of a skin-friendly diet because of their potent antioxidant profiles and unique advantages, which range from UV protection to anti-inflammatory qualities.