Should You Follow Viral Recipes? Bizarre Videos Prove Why Not
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The goal is to get as many views, clicks, and comments as possible, said TikTok creator Barfly (of the hotel bathroom recipe videos), who goes by the handle @Barfly7777 and spoke on the condition that he don’t use his real name due to concerns that it may interfere with his ability to make future hotel reservations. He said that the controversy surrounding what he does simply contributes to the success of his videos.

Fanning the Flame is a social media genre dedicated to reacting to these outrageous cookery videos. In these videos, people express astonishment, disgust, and fear, usually in the name of comedy, reacting to food. The hashtag #chefreactions has 1 billion views on TikTok. It is all thanks to an ecosystem of artists and critics that has resulted in a feedback loop of ridiculous videos and upset or perplexed social media users. Also, you should not forget Uncle Roger, who is everyone's favourite in the genre. 

Tanara Mallory, who goes by @tanaradoublechocolate on TikTok, chose to be creative. In the summer of 2022, the 47-year-old former supermarket production cook began sharing food reaction videos after coming across a recipe post on her TikTok For You page and deciding to voice her inner monologue while watching it. She says that it attracted her attention because it did not resemble a legitimate recipe. 

Most of the videos are based on the same reaction, too. Even when you watch hacks, they might seem easy but are extremely unhealthy and sometimes undercooked. Although TikTok is currently the most popular social media platform, these videos predate the app.

But did you know how it started? Amanda Mull is referred to as "a foremother of the accidental viral cooking video" for the reason that some of her recipes, like her infamous Kwanzaa cake, test the bounds of credulity. 

The recipe called for a store-bought angel food cake covered in chocolate frosting, with canned apple pie filling poured in the centre and topped with corn nuts, pumpkin seeds, popcorn, and black, red, and green candles to symbolise the festival. 

But why are the worst possible recipes becoming viral on TikTok? In the never-ending battle for engagement, disgusting dishes have become more powerful than appealing.

The hunger for views is truly eating up the concept of cooking. Debates have spiked about what you can eat and what you cannot. Audiences on TikTok now have different influencers to follow for legitimate hacks and for visuals. 

Who you follow and how well you implement the recipes over the platform is clearly your call. For some, it works. For some, the hack seems to be more ingredients and more work.