
Nimbu Pani

Nutritional Value



per serving
  • Fat
    27 g
  • Protein
    6 g
  • Carbs
    81 g
  • Fiber
    5 g
  • Sodium
    0 g
  • Others
    0 g
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  • Place of Origin
  • Cuisine
  • Common Ingredients
  • Course
    Starter & Appetizer

Lime comes from the French word ‘limon', which categorised all species of lime and lemon fruit. The lime is typically green in colour as opposed to the yellow of lemons. It is bitter sour, having a typically sharp tart acidic taste with just a slight hint of sweetness. It has a floral zesty aroma, making it popular in its varied usages as a refreshing drink, as a taste enhancer in food, marinades, pickles, flavourings and as an accompaniment with food. It is also used in cleansing agents, soaps and perfumes for its strong citrus smell, which is pleasing to the nose. But the most popular usage of this fruit is in the form of Lime Juice, which is in high demand all over the world.

India being a tropical country has long warm summer months. People on the move are constantly hydrating themselves with fruit juices and other beverages of which the quick and economical Lime Juice is the most favoured. It is the preferred drink for its sour zesty taste and citric flavour. Ideally a glass of Nimbu Pani (lime juice) consists of juices from one or two limes, added with cold water or plain soda and sugar. Sometimes, just to balance the taste and the sour overtone of the lime, a pinch of rock salt or table salt is added to the drink. After these ingredients are mixed, what you finally have is a satisfying cold glass of freshness. This drink makes one refreshed, hydrated and rejuvenated. 

The benefits of Nimbu Pani are plenty since it is rich in Vitamin C and other minerals. People began experimenting with Nimbu Pani by spicing it up with other herbs and spices. A popular offshoot of Nimbu Pani is of course, Jaljeera. When roasted cumin powder tempered with rock salt powder is added to Nimbu Pani to give the drink an extra layer of zest, the drink is called Jaljeera. Other variants of the Nimbu Pani are Shikanji, Sweet Lime Soda or even the Virgin Mojito.

Nutritional Value



per serving
  • Fat
    27 g
  • Protein
    6 g
  • Carbs
    81 g
  • Fiber
    5 g
  • Sodium
    0 g
  • Others
    0 g
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