
Cuba Libre

Nutritional Value



per serving
  • Fat
    1 g
  • Protein
    1 g
  • Carbs
    9 g
  • Fiber
    0 g
  • Sodium
    0 g
  • Others
    0 g
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A simple drink to make at home, the Cuba Libre only requires one to mix rum with coke and lime juice. Serve on the rocks. Garnish with a lime wedge, which the drinker can choose to squeeze into the drink. And that’s it!

Interestingly though, this simple and crowd-pleasing beverage was born during a tumultuous time in history. The year was 1898 and the Spanish American War was raging, causing the US to intervene in the Cuban War of Independence. In 1900, Bacardi made itself the go-to celebratory drink for this independence. The story goes that a US Army Captain stationed in Havana poured some Coca-Cola and lime into his Bacardi rum and toasted his Cuban companions saying “Por Cuba Libre!” (“To free Cuba!”). And a cocktail was born.

What differentiates the Cuba Libre from rum and coke is the essential lime juice. The single ingredient entirely changes the taste of the mix, the tangy kick giving it a more refreshing feel. This lime is also responsible for enhancing the overall flavour. Although a small ingredient, it's akin to salt in any dish—essential in amplifying the taste.

Nutritional Value



per serving
  • Fat
    1 g
  • Protein
    1 g
  • Carbs
    9 g
  • Fiber
    0 g
  • Sodium
    0 g
  • Others
    0 g
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