I like all kinds of varieties of squash, both summer, and winter, and it's in frequent dinner rotation at my house. But i remember when i first graduated from college, moved into my own apartment and began learning how to feed myself. I bought and tried lots of different foods but i will fully admit that the first time i bought a dumpling squash was because of the name. Dumpling is such a happy and delicious word. How can anything named dumpling not be good?My highly unscientific method of squash selection didn't steer me wrong, though. Dumplings have golden yellow flesh that reminds me of the taste of roasted corn. And their typical bowl shapes make them perfect for stuffing things into. Who can resist an edible bowl?Combining squash and salads isn't new to me since i absolutely love roasted butternut squash pieces in a salad. This recipe takes it a step further by letting you just scoop the squash with each bite of salad. It's both delicious and a totally fun presentation.