To me, yucca is synonymous with comfort food and there are many ways that i like to make it. Sweet or hot, its always delicious and very versatile. If you are looking for a side dish that will please everyone and that pairs perfectly well with anything that you make, think about mashed yucca. Today i bring you a simple recipe with a little quartirolo cheese, which is very soft, creamy and will melt immediately in the warm puree. Its flavor is delicate and wont overpower the yucca. If you cant find this type of cheese, you can always use taleggio, and even though it has a stronger taste, it goes great with mashed yucca. The truth is that you can use whatever cheese you like. What are you waiting for? Get cooking Find fresh yucca, peel it and cook it. Youll have a delicious puree in less than an hour. Enjoy