If it's currently fig season where you are, then you know just how lucky you are. Although figs are native to the middle east, where they are hugely popular, they now grow in many parts of the globe. In the united states, the figs you find in the market are likely from crops in california and harvested during the late summer and early fall. They're eaten raw, in salads, baked, in cakes and other pastries, dried or lightly roasted. They're as beautiful as they are delicious and are amazing on any appetizer platter. They're also super easy to stuff with cream cheese, goat cheese or labneh. A quintessential middle eastern favorite, labneh is a soft cheese made from strained yogurt. You can buy it readymade but it's easy to make at home with just yogurt, salt and cheesecloth. The longer you strain the yogurt, the thicker the labneh will be so, by making it yourself, you can control the firmness. Leave it on the softer side for stuffing into the figs. Then drizzle on your favorite variety of honey and top with chopped pistachios or walnuts for a bit of added crunch.