After winter, the transition of sun into zodiac sign makara (capricorn) is celebrated with this festival called makar sankranti. Almost every year this falls on 14th january as per the english calendar. This is celebrated as makara sankranthi in karnataka, thai pongal in tamil nadu, uttarayan in gujarat, magh bihu in assam, poush sangranti in west bengal, shishur saenkraat in kashmir, maghi in punjab, himachal and haryana and makar sankarnti in other states. Maharashtra celebrates this festival with sweets. One of them is the tilgul poli or the gul poli which means jaggery wheat tortilla. This is served to neighbors and friends with the customary salutation, “tilgul ghya, goad goad bola”, which means "accept this sweet and be friendly. It is a wheat-based flat bread filled with sesame seeds and jaggery. Today we will check out the recipe for the jaggery wheat tortilla.