The trick to making the best hash brown potatoes is the same as for french fries. The potatoes must be dry when they hit the pan, otherwise, the surface starch absorbs the water and the surface isn't sealed, allowing the interior to absorb the grease. The second trick for crisp and tender hash brown potatoes is to make sure that the fat is hot when the potatoes hit the pan. Dry the grated potatoes very well using a kitchen towel. Then, don't even try to move the potatoes until the bottom is well browned, to avoid sticking. Russet, or high starch, potatoes make the best hash browns, but you can use yukon gold potatoes for a buttery flavor. Don't use red potatoes, since they don't have the right kind of starch to make hash browns that are crisp and tender. This fabulous recipe is perfect for a special brunch, or serve it with corned beef for st. Patrick's day. It's also great with scrambled eggs and lots of crisp bacon, with orange juice and coffee on the side. Add some fresh fruit for the perfect breakfast.