Tomato soup is a classic in almost all cuisines. Germans are accustomed to serving it with unsweetened whipped cream on top to make tomatencremesuppe. The cream slowly melts into the soup, making swirls of creamy, tomato-y taste without too many calories. This soup can be served as-is, with basil, or some shaved parmesan. To make this a vegetarian soup, use vegetable broth as a base. While roma tomatoes, also known as italian plum tomatoes, are the best to use, any tomato will work. You also can substitute the whipping cream for sour cream if you want to give it a little more bite. If you want to make this recipe vegan, you can substitute the cream for silken tofu, by whipping it until smooth. Using tofu may require some taste-testing to ensure the flavor is how you want it, and you probably will use less tofu than the amount of cream called for, but it should give you the same creamy texture as the traditional recipe.