Ever since i learned how to make this simple recipe, i classified it as the perfect combination of nutrition, seasoning and delicious flavor. My cousin mercedes, a colombian nutritionist, taught me how to make it, and i remember when she clearly told me: we have to go back to whats natural, cousin. We have to go back to garbanzo beans. And she was very right. Garbanzo beans are a great source of vitamins, proteins and minerals. They help tremendously in reducing bad cholesterol levels, strengthen bones, control blood glucose levels, etc. But, according to my cousin and as i have found myself, garbanzo beans are a powerful body cleanser and detoxifier. In other words, if for any reason you need to take any medication (for a cold, antibiotics, etc. ), immediately add a hearty plate of this delicious vegetable to your diet. Your body will appreciate it. Yes, it is one of my favorite recipes, my family loves it and its very easy to make. I suggest you make it in the slow cooker, as this preserves the nutritional and medicinal properties of the garbanzo beans.