This bean-sesame salad is one of the wholesome dish, n addressing everything what we are expecting, isnt it interesting ?! green/french bean is versatile vegetable that is both-low in fat and high in dietary fiber so perfect helper in weight maintenance. It's act as easy source of vitamins like, a, c, b, b6, k, e & folic acid. In terms of minrals, beans are good source of calcium, silicon, iron, omega-3 fatty acid ..... N long list. Sesame seeds mainly helps to maintain cholesterol, blood pressure n hormones. Garlic is completely heart healthy. Sesame oil is full of antioxidants n having antibacterial n anti-inflammatory property. So in nut shell its wholesome dish what is perfect for breakfast, best accomplishments as salad in lunch n tasty n healthy option to satisfy evening craving... The best part is, bean-sesame salad can be enjoyed both way-hot or cold n any time of the day.