Avocados always make me remember my fathers uncle, to aquiles. The first time i ever tried them was in his house in san juan, puerto rico. One of the most wonderful things about him was his sense of humor and i still remember a joke he told about them. It was right after president nixon was impeached. One day, as we were sitting at the table eating dinner, he asked how do you say watergate in spanish? Agua-gate Whether you get the joke or not, there is one undeniable fact. Avocados are delicious, and i remember the ones i ate as a child in puerto rico with a special fondness. They were sweet and soft and ripe. Its hard to find them like that in the united states. Being a very versatile fruit, avocados make wonderful desserts. Here is a simple favorite that is sure to impress your guests, with the added benefit that your kids are going to love it