Zero Waste: Make Broccoli Stem Soup

While broccoli may not be everyone's favourite vegetable, its tiny green trees give meals from all over the world so much texture and colour. In a curry or stew, their fluffy florets are the ideal food mop, and when grated fresh into a salad, their stalks give the ideal crunch. This cruciferous vegetable truly offers the best benefits in one. 

Broccoli stems are frequently thrown out by home cooks since they don't know how to use them or even that they are edible. Giving the florets all the credit, we lead the incredibly devalued stems to their new home in the trash. They are the true unsung heroes of this amazing vegetable, though. 

Kohlrabi and broccoli stems have a similar texture and flavour. When eaten raw, their harder outer shell provides crunch, and when cooked, the centre turns crisp and juicy. The stems offer a subtle, earthy flavour to a dish that serves as a nice foundation for more potent flavours. Additionally, they are just as healthy as the head, with slightly higher levels of calcium, iron, and vitamin C per gramme. You'll not only save them from going to waste by using the stems in your cooking, but you'll also gain access to all that extra nourishment. Let's make broccoli stem soup.  


1 tbsp olive oil 

1/2 medium onion sliced into half moons 

2 cloves garlic chopped 

1 large head of broccoli (stems only) sliced into thin coins (about 4-5 cups) 

Salt and pepper to taste 

3 cups low-sodium chicken/ vegetable broth 


In a medium pot, heat olive oil and add onions, garlic, and broccoli stems. After seasoning the vegetables with salt and pepper, simmer them for about ten minutes, stirring occasionally to prevent burning. 

Pour the chicken broth into the pot once the vegetables are soft. If you prefer thick or thin soup, you can add more or less broth. Remove the soup from the heat and mix it. It's good to let the soup cool somewhat before blending; just be careful not to overfill your blender; otherwise, the soup might explode. 


Blend the soup for 10 to 15 seconds, or until it is absolutely smooth. If you want your soup to be thinner, add a bit extra broth. Adjust seasonings based on taste. Enjoy! 

Note: Broccoli stem soup can be kept in the refrigerator for up to 4 days after it has cooled. 

This broccoli soup can be frozen for up to three months in an airtight freezer-safe container or plastic bag. 

In a medium pot, reheat soup that has been cold or frozen until it is thoroughly heated and simmering.