The ace fashion designer and now, a popular face on OTT, Masaba Gupta left us stunned with her performance in the Netflix original based on her life called Masaba Masaba. While they say it is difficult to play an imaginary character, we believe it is tougher to act yourself on screen. However, Masaba Gupta managed to do it so well that we are amazed. The designer is currently shooting for a fictional show after which she would resume the shooting for a season two of previous show.
Apart from her fabulous design and fashion sense, we have also loved how Masaba is so real on her social media. From the small moments of her life to her favourite recipes, she shares them all. Did you try that spicy avocado pav recipe she posted a while back? If not, go and try it because it was absolutely delish. From mathri stash to gorging on muffins, Masaba also had a lot of fun on Easter, playing around with Easter eggs. This time, the designer turned actor has us going aww over her recent Instagram story.
She shared a picture of herself eating bananas out of a bowl, cut into small pieces. This adorable way of eating bananas is so cute that we loved it. She captions it saying, “When people make fun of me for having a bowl of bananas cut to tiny pieces”. While her hair is being made by a stylist, she is holding a bowl of bananas in her hand. In her next story, we see her happy because she doesn’t care what anyone thinks, she wants to eat it like that. Here’s what she looked like.
Give a tint of pink to your banana drink right away. Churn bananas with some fresh raspberries or strawberries. Add some more flavour of berries with berry-flavoured yoghurt. Blend it all well and enjoy. This is a delicious and refreshing recipe that gives you the goodness of two fruits in one. This can replace your morning milkshake for sure.