Warm V/S Cold: Which Water Aids Weight Loss?

Due to the lack of scientific backing and research, we end up taking some extreme steps in controlling our calories. This is especially true when it comes to dietary practices. In such cases, it is advisable to gain proper knowledge before including/excluding some things from your daily diet.  

One common conception or misconception revolves around warm water and cold water. If you tell someone that you are trying to lose weight, the instant response would be, “Starting drinking more water and try to drink warm water”. While this is partially true, the latter half is still debatable.  

Staying hydrated  

There is no two ways about the fact that our body is made up of 70% water and naturally, it requires a decent water intake to stay active throughout the day. Drinking about 7-8 glasses of water a day is considered as a standard for an average person. However, if you are on a weight loss diet, the requirement is more. This happens because you sweat out more water due to long periods of physical activity and your body needs the replenishment to keep up with the water content.  

Is Drinking Warm Water a good idea?  

Well, warm liquids work well when you are suffering from a cold or flu. In such cases, warm water is recommended. In general, warm water helps to improve digestion and remove all the excess toxins from your body. It helps to relive constipation and increases your metabolic rate. And this may come as a surprise to you, but warm water is a great mood uplifter too.  

Then is drinking cold water a bad idea?  

Cold water gives you a great respite, especially in summers. Another interesting fact about cold water is that it may help you burn a little extra calories because the body needs to work hard to bring the cold water to your body temperature. Nonetheless, it cannot be considered to have a direct relation to weight loss.  

So, which one aids weight loss then?  

None and both. As a liquid, water has the property of keeping our bodies hydrated, energetic and active. While warm water aids digestion, cold water gives that instant boost of refreshment. In terms of weight loss, it is important to keep a check on your water intake. The temperature of the water does not play a significant role in shedding those kilos.  

NOTE: You can drink water at whatever temperature that suits your body. Weight loss is not solely dependent on the water temperature. Rather, your physical activity, dietary habits (eating healthy) and an active lifestyle can together contribute to losing weight.