Vodka Varieties You Should Know About
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Vodka is a popular spirit among youngsters that has been enjoyed for centuries, originating from countries like Russia and Poland. Traditionally crafted from fermented grains or potatoes, vodka in its preparation undergoes a process of distillation and filtration to achieve its pure, clean taste.

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Over time, vodka has become a versatile drink, known for its smooth texture and ability to mix well with other flavours, making it a key ingredient in many classic cocktails like martinis and cosmopolitans.

In India, several brands offer a wide range of vodka options that cater to different preferences, personalities and experiences. Whether sipped neat, on the rocks, or mixed into a cocktail, vodka continues to be a favourite across the world. Let’s explore the different types of vodka and discover what makes each one unique.

Plain Vodka

Plain vodka is often used as the base for many cocktails and is a key ingredient in the cocktail world. Made from grains or potatoes, it goes through several filtration steps to become very pure. It has a slight sweetness and a smooth texture, with an alcohol content of about 40%. This makes plain vodka a versatile choice for classic drinks like martinis, and it can also be enjoyed by itself or with ice.

Flavoured Vodka

Flavoured vodka has become more popular in recent years. It’s made by mixing regular vodka with different flavours like vanilla, cherry, or lime. These added flavours give a fun twist to the regular vodka experience. You can create unique cocktails with it or simply enjoy it as it is to taste the infused flavours.

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Fruit Vodka

Fruit vodka is different from flavoured vodka. It’s made by fermenting and distilling real fruits like cranberries, raspberries, or blackberries. The process starts by selecting fresh fruits, which are turned into vapours and then distilled into vodka. The time it takes to make fruit vodka varies depending on the fruit, with apple vodka taking just a few days, while blackberry-infused vodka may take a few weeks.

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Grain Vodka

Grain vodka, especially rye vodka, is considered a more budget-friendly option. It has a slightly different taste, with earthy or nutty hints. Made from grains like wheat or corn, grain vodka comes in various forms. Corn vodka is known for its sweetness, while whole wheat vodka has a more complex flavour. With an alcohol content of 40%, grain vodka is great for taking shots or making mixed drinks like vodka tonics or martinis.

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Molasses Vodka

Molasses vodka is made from sugarcane molasses and has a sweet, smoky flavour. With a 40% alcohol content, it can be enjoyed as a shot or used in cocktails like the Black Russian or White Russian. Since it has a strong flavour, a little goes a long way, making it a good option for adding to classic drinks like the Old-Fashioned or Manhattan. versatile choice for experimenting with classic cocktails like the Old-Fashioned or Manhattan.