Try These Foods To Ease Out The Menstrual Cramps
Image Credit: Dark chocolate/

Every girl will agree that periods are the worst! It is the most upsetting and perplexing thing that can occur to a woman. The very next instant, we might be in excruciating pain and yearning for some hot chicken wings, but we might gag at the notion of eating. Imagine the excruciating pain you experience when you are unable to sit, stand, or sometimes even rest on the bed. Periods make us crave exotic dishes like noodles, chocolate cake and something spicy and comforting. But these dishes only make things worse for us. How often have you experienced cramps that seemed like they were killing you from the inside out but you still wanted to carry on? During this time you need something that soothes your pain and relieves you from the excruciating cramps.

Here are 5 foods that will ease out your period cramps-

Tea made from chamomile flowers has anti-spasmodic qualities that can help with menstrual cramp relief. Additionally, the effects of dopamine and serotonin are modulated by the tea, which helps to at least lessen the severity of depressive symptoms. However, the antispasmodic and soothing qualities of chamomile essential oil help reduce cramps. Chamomile tea is also good for relaxation and hence it eases out the cramps and helps you sleep better.


How can this list be completed without dark chocolate? The ideal comfort food for pain and stress relief during periods is chocolate. The high magnesium content relaxes the muscles and also provides a surge of energy that aids in enduring the discomfort. The endorphins in it can help you with mood swings. Copper in dark chocolate produces endorphins, a molecule that reduces pain. It is a great pain reliever with a dash of deliciousness.