Try These Easy Hacks To Keep Apples From Browning

Few fruits are as versatile as the apple. They can be used for baking desserts, salads, juices and many other kinds of cooking. However, one common issue with apples is that they tend to brown quickly once they are cut or peeled. This browning in apples is caused by a natural process called oxidation, where enzymes in the apple react with oxygen in the air. While this doesn’t make the apple unsafe to eat, it can make it look unappetizing. 

The browning process can be particularly frustrating if you want to prepare apples in advance for a lunchbox, party, or recipe. Luckily, there are a few easy hacks to prevent apples from turning brown and keep them looking fresh and appealing. Below are some of the simplest yet effective methods to ensure your apples stay crisp, white, and delicious even after being cut.

The easiest and most effective way to keep apples from browning is to coat them with lemon juice. Lemons contain ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) and citric acid, both of which slow down the oxidation process

Cut your apples into slices or desired shapes. Pour some freshly squeezed lemon juice into a small bowl. Dip each apple slice into the lemon juice, ensuring that all sides are coated.

Alternatively, you can mix water with lemon juice (about one tablespoon of lemon juice per cup of water) and soak the apple slices in this solution for 3-5 minutes. Drain them well before serving or storing. This method adds a slightly tangy flavour to the apples but is not overpowering. Plus, it is completely safe and preserves the fruit's texture and colour for a longer time.

If you don’t want to dip or soak your apples in anything, consider this simple trick. Cut the apple into slices, but keep the core intact. Once cut, reassemble the apple slices back into their original shape, then wrap a rubber band around the apple to hold the pieces together. By minimizing the apple’s exposure to air, you significantly reduce the chance of browning.

Lemon juice is acidic, which lowers the pH level of the apple surface. This acidity inhibits the polyphenol oxidase (PPO) enzyme responsible for the browning reaction, effectively keeping the fruit fresher for longer. Additionally, the Vitamin C in the lemon juice acts as an antioxidant, further preventing oxidation.

Another simple and natural method is to use honey water. Honey contains compounds that inhibit enzymes responsible for browning. Mix two tablespoons of honey in a cup of water and soak the apple slices for about 3-5 minutes. The apples will have a hint of sweetness and will remain fresh for several hours.

A quick dip in salt water can also prevent browning. Dissolve 1/4 teaspoon of salt in a cup of water and soak the apple slices for a few minutes. After soaking, rinse the slices under cold water to remove any salty taste. This method is particularly effective, as salt slows down the oxidation process without altering the taste if rinsed well.

Preventing apples from browning is not just about aesthetics; it also helps retain the nutritional quality of the fruit. Once apples start to brown, they begin to lose some of their vitamins, particularly Vitamin C. By keeping the apples looking fresh, you also ensure that they are as nutritious as possible when eaten.