7 Salads For 7 Days Of The Week
Image Credit: Image credit: Pexels| A Salad Bowl

Salad is a refreshing summer food with a variety of flavors. They're quick, easy to cook, and packed with protein along with other essential nutrients. Refresh your daily routine with these healthy salads that include all of the nutritional advantages of lots of greens, as well as reds and oranges, and also are filling and pleasant. Whatever type of salad you prefer, start with a wholesome salad dressing, preferably one that you create yourself. 

Try these 7-day, 7 healthy salad recipes at home: 

Salad For Day 1 

Take 1 cup spinach, 1 cup diced mango, 1 cup diced cucumber, 1/2 cup steamed corn, 1/2 cup diced onions, 1 cup red bell pepper. Creamy cilantro lime dressing1 bunch cilantro or coriander, 1/3 cup lime juice, 2 tbsp of olive oil, 3 tbsp of water, 1/2 cup of cashews, 1 tsp salt, 2 garlic cloves. For dressing, mix everything together in a blender and enjoy this yummy dressing in your salads. Combine everything in your favorite bowl and enjoy! 


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