Tips To Keep Your Kitchen Towels Smell-Free During Monsoon

Though monsoon season relieves one from the sweltering heat, it also brings some challenges in the kitchen. The consistent humidity can turn your kitchen towels into breeding sites for foul odour and bacteria. Whether it is drying hands or wiping surfaces, a smelly towel is quite a put-off. Fortunately, it takes only a few simple steps to keep your kitchen towels smelling fresh throughout the rainy season. Here are five simple ways to help maintain freshness in your kitchen towels, so that, come rain, come shine, they stay hygienic and feel good when used. 

Washing regularly 

Washing the kitchen towels regularly is one of the most efficient techniques for keeping them from a foul smell. It is best during monsoon to wash them more frequently than usual to avoid moisture and bacteria accumulation. You can wash the towels in hot water with some quality detergent. Add a cup of white vinegar during the rinse cycle to get rid of odours and disinfect the cloth. Ensure that they are completely dry before folding and storing, as a little dampness will lead to a musty smell. 

Sun Drying 

Although it is hard to see the sun during monsoon, using those sunny days to dry your towels does magic. The sun's ultraviolet rays act as a natural disinfectant by killing bacteria which cause odours. Hang your washed towels outside on a clothesline whenever possible. If outdoor drying isn't an option, let it dry indoors on a well-ventilated drying rack either near a window or in a fan for good airflow. The point is to keep the towels out of a damp, closed space for a long time. 

Proper Storage 

It is of equal importance to store kitchen towels properly preventing bad odours. Wash and dry the towels properly. Fold them neatly and keep them in a dry, airy place to avoid bad odours due to moisture locked up by tightly closed cupboards or drawers. Breathable storage bins and baskets will therefore help in keeping the air around the towels. You can also add a few packets of silica gel or moisture absorbers into your storage area to keep it dry and fresh. 

Vinegar and Baking Soda Soak 

For towels that already smell musty, a vinegar and baking soda soak can do quite a good job. Add one cup of white vinegar and a quarter cup of baking soda into a bucket of warm water. Soak the towels in there for one hour. This breaks down the bacteria causing the smell and freshens your fabric. After an hour of soak, simply wash them like you always do in hot water and dry thoroughly. Not only this procedure remove the present odour but also prevents the coming smell. 

Essential Oils 

Apart from serving as a nice fragrance for your towels, essential oils also act as an antibacterial treatment. Just add a few drops during the final rinse cycle of your washer using some essential oils like lavender, tea tree, or eucalyptus for great-smelling towels that will remain fresh much longer. You can also make a homemade spray by mixing water with a few drops of your favourite essential oil in it and lightly spritzing the towels before storing them. This doesn't just leave a nice scent; the oils also fight bacteria that cause odours.