The Paradox Of Choice: Could Food Variety Be Making Us Overeat?
Image Credit: Too many choices, too many bites.

YOU FINISH LUNCH. You’re full. And yet—fifteen minutes later—you’re mysteriously rifling through your snack drawer, half-looking for chips, half-hoping you remembered to stash a cookie.

If that sounds familiar, you’re not alone—and no, it’s not just a question of discipline. It might be the variety of foods in your diet that’s messing with your hunger cues.

We live in a world where food options are exploding. Grocery store shelves (or online carts) offer everything from “classic” to “lite,” “zero-sugar” to “artisanal.” And while this might seem like progress, all that abundance may be rewiring how we eat—and how much.

A Full Plate Can Mean An Empty Satiety Meter

There’s a phenomenon researchers call “sensory-specific satiety”—a fancy way of saying we get bored of eating the same flavour or texture quickly. But when there’s variety, we stay interested. That means our stomach may be signalling “enough,” but our brain is screaming “ooh, something new!”

A comprehensive review found that when people are offered a variety of foods in a single meal, they end up eating more overall than they would if the menu was limited. Basically, diversity on your plate can override the natural “I’m done” switch in your body.

Too Many Pizzas, Too Little Control

One striking example? A University of Bristol study that looked at—of all things—pepperoni pizza. Turns out, in the UK alone, there are over 70 different brands of the stuff. The calorie count? Wildly different—ranging from just over 500 to nearly 2,000 per pizza.

Researchers found that people who regularly switched between brands were less able to gauge how filling their pizza was, or adjust how much they ate afterwards. In short: more brand hopping = worse calorie control.

When those same pizza-lovers were offered snacks after a fixed slice, they went ham—eating way more than people who usually stuck to one brand. This suggests that constantly changing what you eat—even within the same food type—can confuse your body’s satiety signals.

The Fast-Food Free-for-All

If you’ve noticed your local fast-food menu looking more like a novel than a signboard, you’re not imagining it. From 1986 to 2016, the average fast-food menu more than tripled in size. That’s not just more choice—it’s often more calories, more sugar, and definitely more temptation.

The Low-Calorie Sweetener Dilemma

And then there’s the stuff labelled “guilt-free.” Low-calorie sweeteners (LCS) promise all the taste without the waist—but science isn’t sold just yet.

Some studies say they help people cut back on sugary drinks. Others suggest the opposite: that LCS can alter gut bacteria, or increase cravings for sweetness. In one rat study, those who consumed artificial sweeteners regularly ate more, gained weight, and even became obese. The theory? Their brains stopped trusting sweetness as a signal of calories—and just kept eating.

Ultra-Processed Foods = Ultra Confusing

Think instant noodles, packaged biscuits, frozen fries. These ultra-processed foods are designed to be hyper-palatable, meaning they’re deliciously hard to stop eating.

In a controlled study, people on an ultra-processed diet ate 500 extra calories a day, compared to those eating fresh, unprocessed meals. And no—it wasn’t because they were hungrier. It was simply the nature of the food.

Portions: Size Does Matter

Add to this the modern reality of giant portions (hello, party packs and mega combos), and it’s no surprise that we often eat more than we need. Research shows that bigger portions lead to higher intake, even when people don’t feel any more satisfied. Basically, your stomach may not know how to say no—but your plate could learn how to.

You Are What You Expect to Feel

The Bristol study also found that people who frequently switched brands of pizza expected their pizza to be less filling than those who were brand-loyal. And because our expectations often drive how much we eat, this kind of guesswork can easily lead to accidental overeating.

So, What Can You Do About It?

Here’s how you can regain some control in a world that’s practically built to make us snack more:

Be mindful of variety: Mixing it up is great across meals—not necessarily within a single plate.

Read past the “lite” label: “Low-calorie” doesn’t always mean “good for you.” Check ingredients, not just buzzwords.

Choose whole, less-processed foods: They’re more filling, more nutritious, and less likely to confuse your appetite.

Serve smaller portions and slow down: Let your body catch up to your brain—and your fullness cues.

Fun Fact: The Candy Con | In one study, participants ate more candy when they thought there were multiple flavours—even when every sweet tasted exactly the same. Just the illusion of variety can trigger overeating.

Final Sip

It’s easy to blame ourselves for mindless munching, but the truth is, the modern food landscape is designed to hijack your appetite.

From ultra-processed snacks to endless menu options, and “lite” products that don’t always do what they promise, the system makes moderation a real challenge. But a little awareness—and a bit of label-scepticism—can go a long way in helping you eat more intuitively, and feel good doing it.