Stay Healthy This Monsoon With Turmeric, Here’s How

Turmeric is more than just a spice that gives colour to your curries; it is a power house of health benefits and valued by many in Indian households for generations. Known for anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antioxidant attributes, turmeric is thus very often used against a number of ailments. The weather in monsoon is always wavering, between humid and nippy, and it does challenge our immunity, so colds, coughs, and other infections are more common. Turmeric will add that extra shield to your body during those testing times. Be it a drink, a spice in your food, or something for external usage, turmeric makes the ideal ingredient for getting through the monsoon season. 

Advantages of Having Haldi During Monsoon 

Strengthens Immunity 

Turmeric has high contents of the bioactive compound curcumin, responsible for anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities. Curcumin keeps up the body's capacity for antioxidants high enough to quench free radicals and thereby avoid many infections. In view of our immunity getting affected during the monsoons, when the climatic condition keeps changing frequently, consuming turmeric will definitely help boost our immunity. A daily dose of turmeric provides much-needed armour against seasonal diseases like the common cold and flu. 

Fights Infections 

The monsoons are the time for increased bacterial and viral infections. Turmeric is a very good remedy against such pathogens due to its antibacterial and antiviral properties. The regular consumption of turmeric will help in preventing infections, and in case one catches a cold or cough, turmeric can aid in quicker recovery. Turmeric's antiseptic nature also works wonders in treating minor wounds or skin infections, which are comparatively more frequent during humid monsoon months. 

Aids Digestion 

The monsoon often plays with our digestive systems and can cause problems like indigestion, bloating, and gas. Turmeric is known to increase the production of bile in the gallbladder, which aids the digestion of fat. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that soothe the digestive tract and reduce symptoms of indigestion, promoting overall good health for the digestive system. Including turmeric in your diet during the monsoon will, therefore, help keep your digestive system smooth. 

Reduces Inflammation 

The damp and cold weather of the monsoon could trigger the symptoms of diseases such as arthritis or joint pains. Turmeric, with its potent anti-inflammatory properties, does help in reducing inflammation and the resultant pain. Consuming it on a regular basis could, therefore, be advantageous in controlling the various symptoms of arthritis by relieving stiffness and swelling in joints that come along with it and that makes one more active during the monsoon season. 

Healthier Skin 

The excess humidity and dampness of the monsoon season result in skin problems, ranging from fungal infections to acne and dullness of the skin. Turmeric is considered to have skin-friendly properties: antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antifungal. It will fight acne and reduce pigmentation, improves skin tone, and thus enhancing overall appearance. Applying it topically can help to prevent and treat skin infections; consuming it will help your skin glow from inside out. 

How to Use Turmeric During Monsoon 

Golden Milk 

Probably the easiest way to get some turmeric into your diet is to prepare golden milk. Just mix a teaspoon of turmeric powder into a glass of warm milk and add a dash of black pepper. Black pepper aids the body in better absorbing curcumin. This can be drunk before sleeping as a soothing beverage that enables the body to build immunity and help with a good night's sleep. 

Turmeric Tea 

Refresh with a healthy drink of turmeric tea. Boil one cup of water with a teaspoon of turmeric powder, a pinch of black pepper, and sliced ginger. Let it simmer for a few minutes before straining into a cup. Add honey and lemon to taste. This is an excellent tea for digestion and keeping infections at bay. 

Turmeric in Cooking 

Add it to curries, soups, and stews. A pinch of turmeric does much to bring out the flavour and ramp up the nutritional content in your food. You can sprinkle it over vegetables when they are roasting or mix with rice for a golden, healthy twist. 

Turmeric Face Mask 

Try a turmeric face mask for healthy skin this monsoon. Mix the turmeric powder with yoghurt and honey in a paste. Apply it to the face, leave it on for 15-20 minutes, and rinse off. This mask fights acne, reduces pigmentation, and gives your skin a natural glow. 

Turmeric in Pickles 

Another great way to get your daily dose of turmeric into the system is through Indian pickles. Be it lemon, mango, or mixed vegetable pickles, adding turmeric enhances not only the flavor but also the health benefits. Relish these tangy delights with your meals for that extra kick of flavour and health.