Spicy Food To Salty Snacks: 6 Food Pairings To Be Avoided With Coffee
Image Credit: Coffee | Image Credit: Pexels.com

Coffee, one of the world's most beloved beverages, is a truly global phenomenon. Derived from the roasted seeds of the coffea plant, it has been a cherished part of human culture for centuries. Known for its invigorating and aromatic qualities, coffee serves as a daily ritual and a source of comfort for millions worldwide. Its rich, complex flavours range from earthy and nutty to bright and fruity, catering to diverse tastes.  

Although coffee can be a versatile beverage that can be complemented with a wide range of flavours, not all food items go well with the beverage. There are some food items that, when paired with this daily brew, may result in bloating, indigestion, or acidity. In this article, we’ll guide you through the food items that do not go well with coffee.    

Take a look:   

  • Spicy Food  

Spicy food and coffee are two beloved culinary elements, each with its own unique characteristics. However, the combination of these two can often be a challenging pairing. Spicy food, with its heat and intense flavours, can overwhelm the subtle nuances of coffee. The capsaicin compounds responsible for the spiciness in many dishes can temporarily de-sensitise taste buds, making it difficult to fully appreciate the intricacies of the coffee's flavour profile. Additionally, the heat from spicy foods can create a burning sensation that may not harmonise well with the comforting warmth of a cup of coffee. For example: Spicy pickles like chilli pickles or hot curries should be avoided. 

  • Citrusy Delights   

Citrus foods, with their zesty and tangy flavours, are generally not considered ideal companions for coffee. The clash between the bright acidity of citrus and the rich, roasted nuances of coffee can create an unbalanced flavour combination. Coffee already possesses a degree of natural acidity, particularly in high-quality beans, which contributes to its overall flavour profile. 

When combined with the pronounced acidity of citrus fruits, this can lead to an overwhelming tartness that masks the subtler notes in the coffee. Furthermore, the high acidity of citrus can curdle or sour dairy products, such as milk or cream, that are often added to coffee, resulting in an unappealing texture and taste. Foods like oranges and grapefruits can disrupt the digestive process. It can also lead to heartburn.   

  • Dairy Products  

Dairy products, while commonly added to coffee, can sometimes be a contentious pairing due to a few key factors. The primary concern is that the proteins in milk and cream can bind with compounds in coffee, causing it to taste somewhat muted or even slightly bitter. This interaction can overshadow the nuanced flavours of coffee, particularly in high-quality beans. Additionally, the fat content in dairy can create a heavy or oily mouthfeel, altering the texture and mouth sensation of the beverage. For individuals who are lactose intolerant or have dietary restrictions, dairy can also lead to digestive discomfort.  Cheesecake or extremely buttery pastries should not be paired with coffee. 

  • Sugary Treats  

Sugary foods like doughnuts or sugary cereals and coffee can be a challenging pairing because of the potential for an imbalance in flavours and a less-than-ideal culinary experience. Coffee is known for its complex and often bitter or acidic taste, which is counteracted by the addition of sugar, commonly used to sweeten the beverage.

However, excessive sweetness can overpower the more subtle and intricate flavour notes in the coffee, diminishing the ability to appreciate the unique characteristics of different coffee beans. The high sugar content can also lead to a rapid energy spike and crash, potentially making it difficult to fully enjoy the natural stimulant effects of caffeine in a more balanced manner.   

Salty Snack   

Salty foods like potato chips or salty peanuts and coffee often make an unconventional combination due to the contrasting flavours they bring to the palate. Coffee, with its bitter and sometimes acidic notes, can be easily overpowered by the saltiness of certain dishes. Salt has a dominating taste that can suppress the nuances and subtleties in the coffee, leaving a somewhat unbalanced and less enjoyable flavour experience. The combination can also lead to an excessive thirst sensation, as salt encourages water retention in the body, which can counteract the hydrating properties of a cup of coffee.    

However, some hearty food items go well with coffee. For those seeking a nutritious complement to their morning brew, whole-grain options like oatmeal or whole wheat toast topped with avocado or almond butter are excellent choices. These foods offer complex carbohydrates, fiber, and healthy fats that provide sustained energy throughout the day. Additionally, a handful of mixed nuts or a small plate of hummus and raw vegetables provide a balanced mix of protein, healthy fats, and vitamins, enhancing the coffee-drinking experience without compromising your health goals. These foods retain the individuality of coffee.