How to Make a Scrambled Egg Sandwich in a Frying Pan?

What Is A Scrambled Egg Sandwich?

Generally, an egg sandwich is a sandwich with eggs as a filling cooked in a particular way. Fried eggs, boiled eggs, omelettes, and scrambled are some of the popular options. The eggs may be placed between two slices of bread (rye, sourdough, whole-wheat, multi-grain, white bread), bagels, brioche buns, or croissants. It is a very savoury dish, and you may enhance its flavour by adding cheese, vegetables such as tomatoes, spinach, mushrooms, or onions, and even meat such as bacon or ham. This is a very much comforting food in itself and can be made frequently in your home. 

How To Make A Scrambled Egg Sandwich In A Frying Pan?

Eggs and bread are the two main components of this dish. You can make these scrambled eggs in the frying pan, as this is the best way to maintain the little runny texture of the eggs. We present you with two methods: 1) basic and 2) spiced version- the little desi / Indian twist. Following is the list of ingredients for two servings and the recipe for a wholesome scrambled egg sandwich. 


Ingredients for the basic scrambled egg sandwich

  • 2 teaspoons of butter
  • 2 large eggs
  • Milk
  • ¼ teaspoon pepper 
  • Salt as required
  • Bread slices

Recipe for the basic scrambled egg sandwich

  • Follow these steps to prepare a basic scrambled egg sandwich:
  • Crack 2 large eggs in a bowl, add a dash of milk, and beat it. Keep this aside.
  • Heat the non-stick frying pan on medium to high heat. 
  • Add 2 teaspoons of butter and let it melt completely.
  • Add the beaten eggs to the frying pan. 
  • Add ¼ teaspoon of pepper and salt as per your liking. 
  • Stir continuously to scramble the eggs, which will take around 1-2 minutes. 
  • Cook until it is slightly runny, and switch off the heat.
  • Toast bread either in a toaster or on a frying pan with butter
  • Transfer the eggs to the toasted slice of bread. 
  • Serve warm

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Ingredients for the spiced, Indian version

  • 1 tablespoon of oil
  • 2 large eggs
  • ¼ teaspoon cumin
  • 1 green chilli
  • ¼ teaspoon red chilli powder 
  • 1 teaspoon garam masala
  • A pinch of turmeric
  • Salt as required
  • Bread slices

Recipe for the spiced, Indian version

  • Follow these steps to prepare the Indian version of a scrambled egg sandwich:
  • Crack 2 large eggs in a bowl, whisk them and keep them aside.
  • Trim the edges of the bread (optional), toast lightly on the frying pan and keep them aside.
  • In the same frying pan, add a tablespoon of oil. 
  • Add cumin. 
  • Once they start sputtering, add the green chilli. Sauté for a few seconds.
  • Add the whisked eggs to the frying pan on medium heat.
  • Stir gently to scramble the eggs.
  • Add in the red chilli powder, garam masala, turmeric, and salt. Mix well.
  • Transfer the scrambled eggs to one slice of bread. Top it with another bread. 
  • Toast it again in the frying pan and serve hot.

Tips For A Yummy Scrambled Egg Sandwich

Below are a few tips to enhance the taste of your home-made scrambled egg sandwich:

  • These sandwiches are best served when warm and not to be stored for consumption later. 
  • Avoid overcooking the eggs. They taste better when they are runny.
  • Instead of butter, you may toast your bread in mayonnaise for an extra crispy layer. 
  • Pair your sandwich with juice or milk and fruit for a complete breakfast meal.


  • Variations to try when making a scrambled egg sandwich using a frying pan.
  • You may add vegetables of your choice, including finely chopped bell peppers/capsicum, onions, grated carrots, cabbage, and mushrooms. 
  • For a creamy texture, you may also add grated or sliced cheese on top of the eggs. Cheddar, Swiss, mozzarella, or pepper jack are good options. 
  • Meat such as bacon and sausage can be included.
  • Mashed or slices of ripened avocado can be topped over the egg. 
  • A scrambled egg sandwich can be cooked in under 5 minutes using a frying pan. You don’t need to have many ingredients, nor do you have to follow a tedious process. Just follow the recipes mentioned above, and they will turn up to be smooth, creamy, flavoursome and toasty.