Rice To Almonds: 7 Foods You Must Soak Before Eating

We all soak rajma and chickpeas overnight in water to save time and energy while cooking. But did you know it has other benefits as well? Soaking certain food items enhances their nutritional value and protects from bloating and viral infections. Consuming them also provides energy, relieves fatigue and boosts immunity

This is because soaking foods overnight allows them to sprout, making it more nutritious. It also removes toxins like oxalates and phytates. But rajma and chickpeas are not the only food items that need to be soaked. There are other foods as well like rice, raisins and flaxseeds that must be soaked before consumption to maximise their benefits.  

Here is the list of seven food items that you must soak before cooking or eating them: 


Being staple in Indian cuisine, most of us do not feel the need to soak rice before cooking. But doing so has many health benefits. According to Onlymyhealth, soaking the rice in water overnight before consumption reduces the risk of heart diseases, diabetes and cancer. It lets the rice absorb and retain its nutritional value and is also good for digestion.  


Grains like oats, wheat, barley and quinoa should be soaked before eating. This helps in lowering the amount of phytic acid and enzyme inhibitors making it easier for the stomach to digest the grains. Another benefit of soaking them is that it reduces the cooking time and makes it easier for us to chew.  


Soaking legumes like lentils, beans, peas and soyabeans increases their nutrient-absorption capacity. According to Onlymyhealth, it also helps in reducing the amount of phytic acid and stimulates amylase, a molecule that breaks down the complex starch of lentils making it easier for us to digest. 

Flaxseeds And Fenugreek Seeds 

Rich in various nutrients, both the seeds can do wonders when consumed after soaking. Flaxseeds when soaked overnight become an amazing treatment for cholesterol issues and digestive problems while soaked fenugreek seeds are beneficial for managing blood sugar and digestive health. 


Raisins are a rich source of iron and antioxidants that help in improving skin health and digestive problems. Consuming overnight soaked raisins increases its benefits and is also good for treating anaemia. Not only raisins but other dried fruits including dates must be consumed after soaking.  


You would have seen your elders' soaking mangoes in water before eating. This is done because along with fibre, mangoes are also rich in phytic acid (an anti-nutrient), that makes it difficult for us to digest. Soaking them reduces the amount of phytic acid and heat making it ideal for consumption without any side effects such as nausea and acne. 


It is a very old practice of eating overnight soaked almonds in the morning. This helps in improving memory and boosting energy levels. According to Healthline, as almonds have a hard texture, soaking them in water makes it easier to digest and increases the absorption of nutrients.