In a world which is already struggling with a pandemic, personal and financial loss, kindness is one thing we need the most. And there are many small instances that come to light to not just tell us that kindness is indeed still there, but also to warm our hearts every now and then. In a post on Reddit that has now gone viral, a restaurant owner’s note for the impoverished who used to eat out of the restaurant's garbage bins, has melted hearts. The message pasted on the glass of the restaurant by the owner read, "To the people eating out of my garbage. I have more love for you [than] you think. Please just come in (to the restaurant) and tell me [you are] hungry; I will forever give you a fresh slice of pizza and fresh water to drink. God bless." Have a look:
The message has appealed thousands of people who gave 1.9k upvotes and several comments to the Reddit post which was shared on a page named Made Me Smile. As per the caption of the post, the restaurant owner's message came after he saw a homeless man eating a leftover pizza from his garbage bin.
The act of kindness by the pizza restaurant owner definitely touched many hearts in the comments section. There were some who found humour in the picture too. One user, who goes by the name 'puncetthebunce', pointed out the grammatical error in the message and wrote, "It would be kind of funny if a homeless person came in only to tell them "It's you're not your", then left without asking for the pizza or water."
While a user by the name of ‘RayBIn’ was interested to know the result of restaurant owner's message, another user called ‘absurd_Bodhisattva’ shared a similar story about a pizza eatery that would leave the unsold pizza in boxes in the dumpster.