Ramadan 2023: 7 Tips To Stay Hydrated During Fasting
Image Credit: A pitcher of lemon infused water, Pexels

Ramadan 2023 is here, and it's time to observe rigorous fasting for a whole month. It is necessary to remember that the human body is made up of 70% water. During the month-old practice of Ramadan, where the fasting observers can't drink water for about 12 hours or so, the body is bound to get dehydrated. So it is of utmost importance to refresh and rehydrate first after breaking or opening the fasting. Nevertheless, there is a particular manner to it, or else it may lead to an immediate imbalance in electrolytes. Severe dehydration or loss of electrolytes may cause undesirable side effects such as constipation, headache, dizziness, tiredness, and dry skin.

These are just a few suggestions to make the holy month's fast more manageable. Dehydration and illness are both avoidable outcomes if one adheres to these guidelines.

Include water-rich fruits and vegetables

To avoid dehydration during the day, include fruits and vegetables, cucumber, bottle gourd, zucchini, tomato salad and juicy fruits like watermelon, oranges, kiwis, and more in your sehri meal. To start the next day of fasting well-hydrated and with a light stomach, it's also crucial to keep an eye on your iftar meal.

Slices of watermelon

Avoid tea, coffee

Avoiding excess drinking of tea and coffee should be done during Ramadan as caffeine and theine do not get well digested if one has been empty stomach for a long time and can irritate the stomach lining and may cause ulcers. And also, after certain times, tea or coffee can disrupt your digestion so badly that hunger for food may vanish and that too for a long duration.

Avoid fizzy drinks

While visiting friends during Ramadan evenings, avoid drinking too much-aerated soda and cola. Aerated drinks disrupt digestion by messing up body metabolism and giving you a false full stomach sensation. So while visiting your friends, please insist on drinking plain water or a glass of glucose that is best for your body.

Stay away from salty and fatty foods

Avoiding thirst may be as simple as reducing the amount of salt, sugar, and spice in your meal. The sodium in these foods contributes to a healthy fluid balance in the body. Consuming foods heavy in salt causes your cells to lose water, which in turn causes you to feel thirsty.

Eat light yet fibre-rich food

You would be mistaken if you thought stuffing yourself with food would keep you going all day. The Sehri meal should be easy on the stomach and loaded with nutrients. Eating a fibre diet is the way to go if you want to feel invigorated all day.

Include dates in your sehri

It has been a tradition to include dates that have always been served during Ramazan. Regarding nutrition, dates are highly recommended when fasting because of their high levels of copper, selenium, and magnesium.  They are a natural source of glucose, which helps human cells store fluids. As a result, it can boost the intestinal absorption of both salt and water.

Water – the real elixir

During Ramadan, the body will suffer from dehydration, so during iftar, you should be cautious about drinking a lot of water to replenish the salts and minerals the body loses during fasting, and unlike the sweetened drinks, which will add calories, it's best to have natural electrolyte supplements like coconut water. Coconut water contains simple sugars and a perfect balance of electrolytes to relieve you from light-headedness and fatigue. Fresh fruits, juices, and veggies with high water content will keep you hydrated. Add water-enriched foods like watermelon, cucumbers, pineapple, tomatoes, oranges, melons and onions, which help reduce body heat.

Things to Remember

  • Drinking small quantities of water throughout the night is essential.
  • How to prevent getting thirsty during Ramadan:
  • Drink small quantities of water at regular intervals throughout the night 
  • Avoid taking water in large amounts at once, as it will dilute your body's electrolytes. This will do more harm than good.
  • Avoid excessive physical labour at night because that will make you unnecessarily thirsty and lose energy.
  • Break your fast with juicy fruits full of nutrients, like oranges, litchi etc.; that way, you will instantly rehydrate and feel light and sound.
  • Avoid drinking icy cold water while breaking fast, as freezing cold water contracts blood vessels, hinders smooth digestion, and does not replenish thirst. So instead of icy cold water, break your fasting with room temperature or slightly cold water.