No More Brown Apples: 10 Simple Tricks to Keep Them Fresh

The crisp and juicy fruits known as apples add a pleasant blend of flavours and health advantages to our diets. Apples' sweetness and adaptability make them a fantastic ingredient in a wide range of dishes. Apples are an excellent source of fibre and minerals and may be enjoyed in a variety of ways, from eating them raw as a snack to including them in salads, sweets, and even savoury recipes. Yes, but how do you keep them from going stale? Find clever methods to stop apple slices from browning and your snacks and meals will always look and taste great. Learn the tips and tactics that will guarantee that your apples are always at their robust flavour and freshness. 

Lemon Juice 

Apples are protected against browning by the citric acid in lemon juice. Because of its acidic qualities, apple slices keep their crisp appearance for longer. Lemon juice can be applied directly to the cut surfaces, or a mixture of water and lemon juice can be used to coat the slices. This easy method will ensure that your apples remain presentable until they are ready to be eaten. 

Salt Water 

To keep apples from turning brown, you can use a solution of salt water. Apple slices can be kept fresher for longer if they are temporarily submerged in gently salted water. The fruit's original colour and attractiveness are preserved with this procedure. The slices can then be rinsed and patted dry before being eaten or used in other recipes without fear of browning.  

Honey Water 

Dipping apple slices in honey water provides a sweet and natural way to prevent browning. The honey creates a protective barrier against oxidation, maintaining the fresh appearance of the slices. A quick dip in this solution ensures that your apple snacks and dishes stay visually appealing and delicious.  

Citrus Fruits 

Fruits with high acidity, including oranges, lemons, and limes, prevent apples from turning brown. Their antioxidant properties stem from the natural acids and vitamin C they contain. Apple slices can be kept looking and tasting fresher if they are brushed with citrus juice or briefly submerged in a bath of water laced with citrus zest. Using this easy method, your apple dishes won't lose their colour or attractiveness. 


White vinegar in particular is an excellent ingredient for slowing the browning process in apples. The presence of acetic acid in this solution helps prevent the loss of pigmentation that occurs during oxidation. Soaking apple slices in a combination of water and vinegar before cleaning and using is a great way to prevent browning. This process preserves the apples' natural beauty, making them a more versatile ingredient.  

Keep Skin On 

The browning of apples can be delayed by leaving the peel on. The skin provides a barrier that limits the amount of exposed tissue to oxygen. The apple's vibrant hue and crisp texture are protected by this protective barrier. Apples' visual attractiveness and nutritional worth can be easily preserved by leaving the skin on when using them in salads, snacks, or dishes. 

Slice Fresh 

Slicing apples just before consumption or use can minimize browning. Exposing the inner flesh to air triggers oxidation, leading to browning. By cutting apples right before serving or incorporating them into dishes, you reduce the time they are exposed to oxygen. This simple step helps retain their natural color and crispness, ensuring you enjoy the vibrant and appetizing qualities of fresh apples. 

Use airtight containers 

Sliced apples won't turn brown nearly as fast if stored in airtight containers. The oxidation process that causes discolouration is hastened by exposure to oxygen. Apple slices can keep looking fresher for longer if they are stored in an airtight container. This method is great for making apple snacks, salads, or meals ahead of time without having to worry about the apples browning. 


Wrapping apple slices tightly with plastic wrap can prevent browning. This creates a barrier between the fruit's surface and oxygen, which slows down the oxidation process. It's an effective way to preserve the color and texture of sliced apples when you need to store them for a short period before consuming or using them in recipes.  

Cold Water Soak  

 Soaking apples in cold water delays browning. For a few minutes, soak the apple slices in the icy water. This reduces the rate at which they oxidise, keeping them appearing fresh and crisp for longer. After soaking, dry them thoroughly by patting before using. It's a quick and easy way to keep your apple slices looking as good as new.