New Year 2023: Planning A Cocktail Party? Keep These Tips Handy

The month of December is filled with fun and excitement. Just now we have celebrated Christmas and the countdown for New Year has already begun. People are ready to welcome the next year with parties and picnics. From deciding the venue to planning the menu, preparations and enthusiasm of the New Year Eve is on its peak.  

Since, it is very chilly outside some people have decided to celebrate it at home by inviting friends and family. The party will include non-stop music; groovy dance moves and lots of food. But how can a New Year party begin without boozy drinks? If you have also planned to celebrate the New Year at home, make sure to treat your guests with cocktail. 

Here are five tips to make perfect cocktail at home: 

1. Use Fresh Herbs 

Always use fresh herbs for adding flavours to your cocktail. You can also use fruit juice to give it natural sweetness. The common herbs used for making cocktails are rosemary, thyme, basil, mint and lavender. You can combine herbs with fruits or lime to enhance the taste. 

2. Keep The Ratio Right 

Creativity while making cocktail is appreciated but do not experiment with the drink ratio. Always keep the alcohol, flavouring and seltzer in the ratio of 1:1:3. To get better result, make sure to use unsweetened flavoured seltzers instead of sodas as they will give less sugar and artificial flavouring but will provide the perfect fizz. 

3. Use Premium Liquors 

Alcohol is the most important ingredient of cocktail. No matter what kind of flavourings and garnish you add but if the alcohol is not of good quality, all your money and efforts can go in vain. With premium liquors we don’t mean the most expensive one, it just needs to be of good quality.  

4. Shaken Or Stirred 

Not every cocktail needs to be shaken vigorously. Some of them require stirring or muddling, depending upon the ingredients you are adding. Sometimes it also depends on the preference. If your cocktail consists of spirits only and no mixers or food ingredients, you can stir it. The cocktails that contain citrus juice, eggs, cream or any dairy needs to be shaken while those which contains fruit and herbs should be muddled. 

5. Use Lot Of Ice  

Adding more ice while shaking helps in chilling the cocktail further. But make sure you add ice at the end as it can dilute the drink if left there for too long. Chilling the cocktail glass is also important to keep the drink refreshingly cool till the last sip. Either you can chill them in the fridge or fill it with ice water. 

Follow these tips and enjoy your New Year with homemade cocktails.