How To Ensure Intake Of Essential Nutrients Amid Adulteration

From milk and ghee to paneer and snacks, it is hard to find a food item that is not adulterated. Vendors have been mixing harmful chemicals in products to cut costs, appeal to customers, and make high profits without considering how much harm they are causing. While food authorities are vigilant about the issue, consumers need to make sure that their bodies get essential nutrients despite the kind of foods being sold in the market.

To bring you expert advice, Slurrp connected with Anshul Singh, Team Leader, Clinical Nutrition and Dietician Department, Artemis Hospitals. He shared what a consumer should be wary about, what foods have low chances of adulteration, and how to ensure you are getting enough nutrients from what you eat.

Tips To Keep In Mind While Purchasing Food Items

Anshul Singh said, “There is a lot of food adulteration, and to combat it, you can prioritise buying organic or locally sourced produce from trusted vendors.” He added looking for certified labels like non-GMO or USDA Organic because they vouch for the authenticity of the product. 

He advised us to stay clear from overly processed and packaged foods because they might contain additives and contaminants. You can also conduct tests at home to check if the spices contain artificial colours or wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly before storing them in the refrigerator.

He added, “Furthermore, awareness is the key. Stay informed about the most frequently adulterated foods in your region. Look for ingredients before purchasing anything. Look for the Ingredients list also. Be an aware consumer and look for contents and the health claims that are mentioned on the processed food. Regularly changing your food sources can also minimise the risk of exposure to a particular adulterant.”

Ingredients With Low Chances Of Adulteration

If you wonder what ingredients you can buy from the market without worrying least about adulteration, Anshul Singh has answers for you. He said, “Whole, unprocessed foods generally have lower chances of adulteration. Fresh fruits and vegetables, especially those that are grown locally, are less likely to be tampered with compared to packaged and processed goods. Whole grains like brown rice, quinoa, and oats are also less prone to adulteration, as are nuts and seeds.

He added that organic foods, often sold at high prices, undergo stricter quality control which reduces the chances of them being adulterated. You can also add unrefined oil like cold-pressed coconut oil or extra virgin olive oil. You should also opt for natural sweeteners honey, and maple syrup over processed sugar.

How To Ensure Your Body Gets Essential Nutrients Amid Adulteration?

If you are worried about getting your body’s nutrition requirements fulfilled, clinical nutritionist Anshul Singh has a few tips for you. He suggested, 

  • Eat a Balanced Diet: Incorporate a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins to cover essential nutrients. 
  • Focus on Whole Foods: Prefer eating unprocessed, natural foods to avoid additives and ensure nutrient density.
  • Include Healthy Fats: Opt for sources like avocados, nuts, and olive oil to support brain and heart health.
  • Stay Hydrated: Water is quite significant for nutrient absorption and overall health; aim to drink at least 3-4 litres of water per day. 
  • Supplement Wisely: Consider supplements like multivitamins or omega-3s, especially if your diet lacks certain nutrients. 
  • Regular Check-Ups: Periodically check your nutrient levels, like iron or vitamin D, through blood tests. 
  • Mindful Eating: Understand your body’s hunger and fullness cues to avoid overeating and ensure balanced nutrition.