Muskmelon Wellness: 7 Health Benefits Of Consuming This Fruit
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Muskmelon is refreshing, hydrating, and loaded with several nutrients. But that’s not all! It provides the body with uncountable benefits, making it a favourite seasonal harvest. The sweet yet bland flavour of muskmelon, with juice gushing on every nibble, rejoices the heart and invigorates the senses, making it a convincing reason to savour this luscious fruit.

The green, white, yellow, and orange-coloured hard peel of muskmelon envelopes a juicy pulpy yellow-coloured core with numerous seeds resting within. This fruit contains vital nutrients inside out, and believe it or not, it is edible all the way through. Yes, you heard that right! Muskmelon peels can make an amazing antioxidant brew that can alleviate toothache in seconds and provide several other benefits. Amazing, isn't it?

Learn what benefits you can get from muskmelon and what properties of this fruit contribute to these benefits.

Know The 7 Health Benefits Of Muskmelon

1) Have Several Antioxidants

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Muskmelon contains antioxidants such as gallic acid, ellagic acid, and caffeic acid. These antioxidants are beneficial to the body in many ways. All these antioxidants fight free radical damage and reduce oxidative stress in the body. This antioxidant activity can help reduce the risks of chronic diseases related to heart and, cancer and diabetes. Along with this, these antioxidants also have anti-inflammatory properties, which reduce inflammation in blood vessels and lower blood pressure. Not only that, antioxidants also benefit skin health, hair regrowth, and brain health as well.

2) Contains Vital Nutrients

Muskmelon is packed with vital nutrients, including vitamin C, folate, sodium, potassium, magnesium and iron. These nutrients provide energy, facilitate repair and growth, and help sustain a healthy and long-lasting life. Vitamin C in muskmelon helps maintain bones and cartilage, brightens the skin, and makes blood vessels healthy. Folate helps in healthy cell growth and function. Minerals like sodium, magnesium, iron and potassium maintain overall bodily functions.

3) Helps With Hydration

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About 90% of muskmelon is water, which makes it an excellent fruit for repairing dehydration. According to a study published in the Food Science and Nutrition Journal in 2019, muskmelon’s high water content helps replenish lost fluids and electrolytes in the body. Dehydration can cause fatigue, mental problems, dry skin, kidney ache and extreme thirst. You can reduce dehydration by eating muskmelon directly or making a quick juice to enjoy its hydrating properties in soaring heat.

4) Boosts Immunity

The vitamin and mineral components in muskmelon have potent immunity-boosting capabilities. Muskmelon has vitamins A and C, which improve the body's resistance to diseases and strengthen the body's natural defences. Vitamin A and phytochemicals also improve gut health, making the absorption of nutrients from foods easier and contributing to strengthening the immune system.

5) Improves Eye Health

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Muskmelon contains beta-carotene, which is beneficial to eye health. A study published in the Antioxidants Journal in 2020 backs the effects of beta-carotene in supporting eye health as well as alleviating eye-related diseases. The study says that carotenoids such as β-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin significantly benefit eye health by protecting against oxidative stress induced by ultraviolet and blue lights. Clinical trials have shown that these carotenoids can prevent the progression of eye diseases by quenching free radicals and preventing oxidative damage to the retina. In addition to this, the vitamin C in muskmelon also supports eye health.

6) Improves Cardiovascular Health

A study published in the Journal of Plants in 2021 examined the nutritional composition and health benefits of various botanical types of melon. The study talks in detail about how muskmelon is beneficial to heart health. According to the study, muskmelon’s rich antioxidant content, particularly polyphenols, carotenoids, and ascorbic acid, can be attributed to its heart health-supporting properties. These antioxidants scavenge free radicals, which are implicated in initiating chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease. Muskmelon varieties with high polyphenols, carotenoids, and ascorbic acid levels show notable radical-scavenging activity.

7) Supports Gut Health

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Muskmelon has a healthy composition of fibre and healthy bacteria, which helps regulate gut health. In a study published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine by Hindawi in 2018, the therapeutic effects of muskmelon extracts on Gut Microbiome in mice were examined. The study concluded that muskmelon increases beneficial Bacteroidetes phylum while reducing Actinobacteria. This promotes healthy gut microbiota, preventing obesity, diabetes, and inflammation.

Muskmelon is a living example of how healthy foods can be tastier as well! Don't forget to include muskmelon in your diet and eat it in as many ways as you like.