Make Oat Milk At Home With This Simple Recipe
Image Credit: Unsplash

Oat milk is a popular plant milk and a non-dairy milk substitute, along with walnut milk, almond milk, soy milk, and cashew milk. Making oat milk at home is easy and only calls for a few ingredients. Oat milk is a dairy-free milk that is created by mixing rolled oats with water and squeezing the pulp through cheesecloth to get a smooth enough liquid to mix into your cereal or smoothie in the morning. Using steel-cut, rolled, or old-fashioned oats, you can produce your own oat milk. Steel-cut oats should be soaked and strained the night before being blended to make oat milk; quick oats, or instant oatmeal, are too fine to combine further without creating milk that resembles slime.

Oat milk has a nutty, inherently sweet flavour and a pronounced oat aftertaste. When combined with water, the toasty, slightly grassy, nutty flavour of toasted oats takes on a more subdued undertone.

Learn to prepare this simple recipe in the comfort of your own home.


 1 tsp vanilla extract

 6 cups chilled filtered water

 1 cup rolled oats, sprouted or regular

 1 tsp cinnamon (optional)

 1 date (optional)


 All the base ingredients should be combined in a big blender.

 Only 30 to 40 seconds on high for the blender. Over that time, oat milk will become slimy.

 Put the blender aside and cover a big bowl with cheesecloth or a nut bag.

 Pour the oat milk onto the cheesecloth and use it to strain the oats from the water. Squeezing the water out of the cheesecloth or nut bag will also produce slimy oat milk. Hence, avoid doing so.

 When almost none of the water remains, let it drip before discarding or using the oats in another dish.

 We'll strain the oat milk once more, so pour it back into the blender and squeeze for a second time.

 Place the oat milk in a glass container or jar that can be sealed and kept in the refrigerator.

Note: In the refrigerator, this oat milk will stay fresh for around 5 days. When it smells different from the first day you made it, you'll know it's gone bad.