Make Chicken Sandwiches Gourmet With A Few Easy Hacks

I think most of us remember the iconic moment in the TV show F.R.I.E.N.D.S when someone ate Ross Gellar’s special sandwich with ‘moistmaker’. Though very little about that show has aged well, we can’t help but feel a pang of sympathy for him and his lost lunch. Creating a delicious sandwich is an art, (and we’re not talking about so-called ‘sandwich artists’ here) we mean that you really have to lavish your time and attention on every single element if you want to create a sandwich that is truly spectacular. 

Balancing the elements of fresh bread and crunchy condiments with delectable meat or veg filling, slathering it in sauces that work in harmony with the flavours but without overpowering them, and finishing it all off with another soft slice. Pure magic. A worldwide favourite is of course the Roast Chicken sandwich. Ideal for a light lunch that travels well and can be enjoyed warm or cold, it’s got all the makings of the perfect meal. But there are some tips and tricks that can take it from ‘OK’ to ‘OMG!’. 

Bread Is Your Base

Every sandwich begins with amazing bread. Whether you favour a simple white loaf or a crusty sourdough, make sure you get bread that’s fresh and not too crumbly so it will hold your fillings in place.

There are some common bread-buying mistakes, find out how to avoid them here

Confit Garlic Butter

A simple addition, blending up some softened butter with confit garlic and herbs can provide a flavourful launchpad to start building your sandwich. Plus, you can keep a batch in the fridge for later.

Find out how to make it here


Though it doesn’t honestly need a lot of additions, a bite of fresh lettuce can help cut through an otherwise rich sandwich. 

Figure out which one suits you best here

Caramelised Onions

Rich and smoky, this is a condiment that can help you bump up the flavour 10000%. The slow-cooked natural sweetness and melt-in-the-mouth consistency are to die for.

Find out the secrets to perfect caramelised onions here

It's All Gravy

And we’re back to the ‘moistmaker’ here. Roast chicken, no matter how well its cooked can tend to get a bit dry after a day or two in the fridge. A flavourful gravy can help add a dash of moisture to every bite. 

Find some top tips for your gravy-making here

The Roast Chicken

As the real star of the show, your chicken needs to be on point for any of it to come together. It’s a simple process, but a few additions can make all the difference. 

Find out what they are here

Assembling Your Sandwich

  1. Remove the skin from the chicken. If it’s soggy, place it in a 180C oven for a few minutes to crisp up. Remove meat from the chicken and cut it into bite-sized chunks or slices. 
  2. Spread one side of each of your slices of bread with garlic butter.
  3. Lay your lettuce on top.
  4. Top with chicken, then chicken skin, then drizzle with gravy. 
  5. Top with the second slice of buttered bread and enjoy!