Kitchen Tip: Chutney Pastes You Can Freeze For Later Use

Being a busy mom, you know how every minute counts, especially when it comes to cooking for the family. The burden of cooking from scratch every day might be unbearable, but ready-to-use ingredients really come in handy. That's where meal prepping steps in! Picture this: your favourite chutney pastes—be it tomato, mint, coriander, or even curry paste—are all ready and waiting in your freezer. You can easily pop out a cube or two whenever you want to add a flavour bomb to dishes. The method will not only help save precious time but also keep the taste of your meal dishes fresh and vibrant. Freezing chutney pastes in ice trays is a cool hack that somehow balances convenience with homemade goodness, never compromising on quality. 

How to Use Frozen Chutney Pastes 

Frozen chutney pastes are versatile things to be used in many dishes. Pop out a cube or two from the ice tray and add them directly to whatever you're cooking. Stir-fry, curry, or dip—these frozen pastes will dissolve quickly, releasing their fresh flavours. For example, frozen tomato paste can be used as the base for pasta sauces or soups; mint and coriander pastes are just right for chutneys or marinades, or cool summer drinks. Onion and curry pastes lend character to gravies, stews, and even rice items. Use this method when you want all the convenience of pre-made ingredients and none of the compromise in flavour. 

Tomato Paste 

Who doesn't use tomato paste? Take some tomatoes and cook them in a bit of preferred oil until they break down. Allow them to cool, then puree them into a smooth paste. Put the puree in an ice tray, top it with cling film before putting it in the freezer, and then, when frozen, cube it up into a labelled freezer bag. These tomato cubes will be super convenient while you're whipping up sauces, soups, and curries. 

Mint Paste 

The mint paste adds freshness to any preparation. Take fresh mint leaves, and blend them with a little water and a pinch of salt. Pour into ice trays and freeze. Use the mint cubes in your chutneys or raitas, or add it to mojitos. 

Coriander Paste 

Coriander paste is essentially the backbone of Indian cooking. Just blend a lot of fresh coriander leaves with a little water and lemon juice, then retain colour. Freeze in ice trays. Frozen cubes are ready to go into any chutney or marinade or even garnish in curries. 

Curry Paste 

Of course, a simple curry paste made with sautéed onions and tomatoes can also be a lifesaver. It's about cooking the onions and tomatoes until they are soft, blending them into a paste, and freezing them. Use those in cubes to kick off curries, saving you from having to start cooking from scratch. 

Onion Paste 

A base for so many dishes is onion paste. Sauté the onions until golden brown and blend. Freeze in ice trays. Cubes are great added into gravies, soups, or stews to give that strong, caramelised flavour. 

How to Freeze in Ice Trays 

Freezing chutney pastes in ice trays is easy. Once each paste has been prepared, let it cool down totally. Fill clean ice trays with the paste; fill each compartment. Then, cover them with cling film or a lid to prevent freezer burn and unwanted odours. Once the pastes are frozen solid, pop the cubes out and store them in labelled freezer bags. This way, they will stay fresh and full of flavour for up to three months. 

How to Store for a Longer Shelf Life 

First, to ensure that your chutney pastes have a long shelf life, store them in airtight freezer bags or containers. What this means is that as little air as possible should be in the bags while sealing so that it does not get freezer burn. Always label each with the type of paste and the date it was made. Break out only what you will use and immediately return it to the freezer when using the cubes.