Jhol Momos Decoded: 6 Tips To Perfect This Nepali Treat At Home
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Who doesn't love having some momos with spicy red chutney? Almost every person in India has a personal favourite variety of momos. Particular food joints in different parts of the country are so popular for the taste of their momos that people come to taste them from distant locations. From time to time, one or the other new variety of momos keeps getting invented. Initially, people were only acquainted with steamed momos. However, now there are kurkure momos, popcorn momos, tandoori momos, and other numerous momos flavours. 

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The latest momo recipe that caught everyone's attention on the internet was the jhol momo recipe. These are a kind of dumpling soup that were invented in Nepal. Steamed and mouth-melting momos are carefully added in a spicy and creamy broth. These are specifically popular and highly consumed during the winter season. If you are tired of watching jhol momos on your phone and want to try this exquisite recipe, then here are some tips that you should follow while making them at home

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* Dough 

One thing to remember about the momos used in the jhol momo recipe is that they're extremely thin coated. The outer layer is so thin that one literally doesn't even feel it's there. It is just there to hold the inner stuffing together. This is why one should make sure that the outer layer is as thin as possible. Making the right kind of layer will simply begin by kneading the dough perfectly. The dough is made by using all purpose flour, water, and a little bit of salt. One is to make sure that they move their hands and fingers properly to make sure that the dough is as elastic as possible. It has to be covered with a damp cloth and kept aside for at least 30 minutes before being used.

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* Filling

The stuffing inside these momos is generally made from either vegetables or minced chicken as per the choice of the person. The chicken is flavoured minimally by using some chopped onions, cilantro for freshness, minced, ginger and garlic, and some salt and black pepper. That is all that one needs to add for flavouring the meat and there is no point in going over the board. One can also add some green chillies or red chilli flakes. While making the filling for the momos, one must make sure that it is moist enough but not extremely oily so that it doesn't make the momos too loose or soggy.

* Shaping The Momos

While shaping the momos, one has to ensure that the knot on the top of the momos is rolled very thinly. Also one must take a very small portion of the dough and roll it out as much as one can. The rolling pin is great for rolling out the dough evenly. Many people like to do it with their hands, but it is not something that is recommended in general as it leads to unevenness. While putting the stuffing inside, be generous, but do not overdo it. Overstuffing the momos can lead to breakage, which is something that one would not like at all.

* Steamed

Many people think that steaming momos is the easiest thing that one has to do. However, steaming is a skill that requires a lot of care and precision. The momos have to be carefully assorted inside a steamer. One can lay some cabbage leaves on the top of a steamer to avoid direct contact with momos with the steam. Also, avoid putting too many momos in the steamer in one batch. Momos generally require 10 to 12 minutes to be cooked properly until they become a little translucent.

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* Broth

Now the star ingredient of jhol momos is not the momos, but the broth that brings all the flavours to the plate. The broth is prepared by adding lots of fresh onions, ginger and garlic in a pan with a little bit of oil. These have to be sautéed and then mixed with some chicken broth or regular water if one is going for a vegetarian option. Add some soya sauce, salt, black pepper, vinegar, and some other spices as per once preference. It's always quite easy to adjust the spiciness and flavour in the broth of jhol momos as per one's preference. 

* Mixing The Two

After the broth has been prepared, add the fresh momos to the broth and carefully bring all the elements of the dish together. Serve it after sprinkling some fresh cilantro, oregano, and chilli flakes on top for the best flavours. One can also add a little bit of honey if they feel that the spices are too harsh for them.