Hydrating Fruit Juices Perfect For Your Fasting Rituals

For most people, fasting during Janmashtami is a very spiritual experience. But often, the process is definitely tiring. Whether you are indulging in the Falahar Vrat with its focus on fruits or doing a more strict Nirjala Vrat with no water and no food, keeping up energy and hydration levels becomes very important. Fresh fruit juices can really make a difference in your fast by providing the much-needed nutrition that will help you keep going. They are not only refreshing but also in accordance with the sattvik diet; hence, they come really good on this sacred day. Let us explore some delicious and health-boosting juices that you may include in your Janmashtami fast. 

"Fresh juices should definitely be a part of your fasting regime", Sahaj Chopra and Sahil Arya, Co-founders and Directors of Juice Guys pointed out. "Fasting during Janmashtami is not only about abstaining from food but also rejuvenating your body", they said. They add that, "Our Juices are made out of locally sourced natural ingredients which are balanced to provide the necessary vitamins and minerals essential for energy while fasting. 

They go further to establish how their juices have no artificial sugars or preservatives, and henceforth fit well in a fast diet. "Using fruit sweetness like mango and honey is enough to make a tasty healthful drink without additional sweeteners." This goes in line with the famed FSSAI guideline of disapproving artificial additives.  

More flavour can be added to the juice by adding a few mint leaves or a lime, to get additional freshness. Sahil and Sahaj explain that the juicing process is particularly rich in quality, hygiene, and wellness. Since the use of such fresh natural juices is added to your fasting program, you will be naturally well-equipped to observe a holistic fast during Janmashtami, keeping in fact both your body and soul active. 

Juices and Their Health Benefits 

Mosambi Juice 

A good choice during fasting is sweet lime or Mosambi juice because it rehydrates and revitalizes. It is a rich source of vitamin C, which helps to boost the immune system, increase digestion and support detoxification. 

Orange Juice 

Orange juice is popularly known for its rich content of Vitamin C and potassium, which boosts immunity and hydration respectively. Loaded with antioxidants that reduce inflammation, enhance muscle recovery rate and promote good heart health; it is perfect for rejuvenating your body when you are fasting. 

Pomegranate Juice 

The Pomegranate Juice contains large amounts of antioxidants like polyphenols that fight oxidative stress, improve digestion and have anti-inflammatory effects. For a refreshing and health-boosting drink during your fast, pomegranate juice is an excellent option. 

Mango Tango 

This blend of honey, mango, pineapple, and orange juice is not only delicious but also loaded with essential nutrients. Mango and pineapple are rich in vitamins A and C, which help boost immunity and promote skin health, while honey provides a natural source of energy. This juice is perfect for keeping you nourished and energetic while fasting. 

Pineapple Fresh 

Combining banana, pineapple, and coconut milk, this tropical juice is nutrient-dense and hydrating. Pineapple aids digestion with its bromelain content, while banana provides potassium and energy. Coconut milk, with its healthy fats, ensures you stay full and hydrated during the day. 

Juice Guys was created after realizing that there was a significant demand for truly fresh and healthy juices. Sahil and Sahaj believe that everyone should have access to natural, delicious Juices, we try to represent the principles of healthfulness, freshness, and quality.  

The juice market is expected to expand significantly in the coming years due to the numerous health benefits. People who care about their health are also switching from fruit drinks to fruit and vegetable juices because they are healthier and don't contain artificial flavours or preservatives like other fruit drinks do. The Indian juice market would be further driven by rapid urbanization, rising income, and rising health consciousness. This gives brands like Juice Guys a chance to motivate people to make healthier choices and live happy, energizing lives.