Clinical Dietician Shares The Importance Of Healthy Eating Lifestyle
Image Credit: Importance Of Healthy Eating Lifestyle

The pandemic has brought the world to a standstill, and significant changes have been observed in people's lifestyle, eating, and fitness habits from around the globe. As we juggle between work from home and taking care of our loved ones, health must be a priority. For starters, eating right is one thing that not many follow. So the starting point of leading a healthy life is to ensure that our food intake is nutritious, sufficient and wholesome. Talking about the same, Dr Ayla Coussa, Clinical Dietician at The Hundred Wellness Centre, Dubai, shares her views below on how eating healthy does not necessarily mean compromising taste.

Well-balanced diet

Foods supply us with the essential nutrients our body needs to function efficiently. Still, we also tend to eat for psychological and social reasons such as feeding our emotions or family reunions and weddings. Eating a healthy diet does not have to be complicated, with strict limitations or giving up on our favourite foods. In addition, there is no such thing as the magic diet. Instead, we should focus on a lifelong well-balanced diet, including all food groups, your favourite foods, and less healthy options in moderation.

Vitamins and minerals

While fruits and vegetables are a great source of vitamins and minerals, meat and alternatives are essential for their protein content, whole grains (carbohydrates) fuel us with energy, healthy fats with omega-3, and dairy products provide calcium and vitamin D. The lifelong tasty, varied and nutritious diet will make you feel great, have more energy and nourish your body and soul.

Cooking methods

Start by making minor changes to your cooking methods, such as substituting heavy and creamy sauces with an excellent combination of spices and herbs or switching to healthier fats such as olive oil and avocado in salads.

We do not eat only to survive, and we also eat to savour and enjoy our foods.